Chapter Fourteen

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"Morning guys." He said hurriedly.

"Morning Mr. Waters." We said in union.

"You guys finished up that piece you were supposed to be working on?"

"I thought you said you didn't want that anymore." I said looking up at him.

"I didn't say that." He said shaking his head and talking quickly.

"Actually sir, you did." Jaymi said typing something on his laptop.

"Hensley, don't you think I would remember if-"

"Good day Mr. Hensley I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I won't be needing that piece anymore. Could you please get onto Ms. James and let her know." Jaymi read and I stifled a laugh.

"Oh." He said scratching the back of his neck. "I forgot to tell you it was back on."

Jaymi smiled and looked at me. "And when does this piece need to be handed in?"

"Uh, it has to be emailed by midnight." He said giving us a small smile. "I trust you two." He said walking out of the office.

"I guess we could call off our lil date then.” he said looking at me.

I shrugged and turned on my laptop. "So, how far were we with this thing?" I asked without looking at him.

"Probably halfway. I don't know how we'll do this because we have this 4:0'clock deadline." I heard him say from behind his laptop screen.

"I'll could take care of it no worries." I said leaning over my laptop to pick up some papers that were next to him.

"Uh, James?" He called and I turned to look at him. My hands were still on the stack of papers.

"Yeah Hensley."

"I can see your boobs." He said tilting his head to my top. My mouth dropped open but I decided to seize the moment.

"What do you think?" I asked grabbing the papers and sitting.

"I'm thinking I like the view." He said smiling at his computer screen.


"Shit Jaymi." I said as I felt another crumpled sticky pad hit me in the face.

It was 10:00 pm and I was still trying to finish the stuff.

His tie was off and tied around his forehead and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. "I'm bored and hungry." He whined putting his bare feet up on the table.

"Wanna order more Chinese?" I asked him focusing on the screen.

"You wanna know what I wanna eat?" He asked as another piece of paper hit my face.

"That sounds gross on every possible way." I said as I finally finished what I was doing. "Yes!" I said throwing my hands up after I sent the email.

"We should celebrate." Jaymi said taking his foot from the table. "Take your top off so I could get a better look at your boobs." He said putting his socks on.

"Fuck you Jaymi." I said getting up and stretching.

"You want me to dramatically toss everything on the table to the ground before we do? Because I'll tell you right now; I don't have that much strength."

"Neither do I Hensley. Let's just go get a drink. I said grabbing his hands and pulling him up.

"Do I get a dance?" He asked wrapping a hand around my shoulder as he led us down the dark hallway.

"If you get me drunk enough, you could get so much more."


"Kimmayyyyy!" I heard someone scream when I opened my apartment door. I groaned and touched my forehead.

"Theo, can you not scream?" I asked dropping myself on the couch. I put my head on his lap and looked up at him.

"Kimmy a hangover happens the morning after the drinking." He said removing my hair tie and massaging my scalp.

"Ugh, Theo. You're not helping." I groaned closing my eyes. Jaymi and I had a little bit more than one drink.

"I love you too sweetie." He said smiling down at me.

Theo was my cousin and he'd moved back into town a few weeks ago and he was my unofficial roommate.

"Theo?" I asked opening one eye and looking up at him.

"Yeah babe?" He asked not even looking at me.

"Why do guys hate me?" I asked softly getting up and turning to him.

"I don't hate you." Theo said shrugging. I rolled my eyes and placed my forehead against his shoulder.

"You don't count Theo." I grumbled as I felt his arms wrap around me.


"No, I mean like, a guy I'd like to get it down with."

"Get it down with? The hell is up with you?"

"I miss Max." I said softly finally admitting it to myself.

"Wait, that famous dude you were with?" He asked and I heard the anger in his voice.

"Yeah, he's the one. I just really miss him so much."

"But he was such a dick."

"Theo, but Max is bae."

"Max is what now?" He asked frowning at me.

"Oh, God Theo, watch a chick flick now and again or something. Since I first heard of that band I was totally in Max."

"So, like, you're in love with him is something?"

"No, it's not like that. I mean, yeah, I did love him but not like uh... Like, I dunno man. I just feel really bummed because he told me before he left that he was going to come back and we were going to work on us."

"But he fell in love and you're jealous." He stated but it sounded like a question.

"No, I'm not jealous. I don't care because I expected it to happen. What pains is that he used to call me every night and we'd talk for hours then one day the calls just stopped." I said sniffing. I never cried about the Max thing and I wasn't going to start now. I may have been a little drunk but I was sober enough to keep my composure.

"He didn't have the heart to call and say 'I'm sorry Kimmy but I met someone.' No. I had to find out when Jaymi was doing story on them."

"Wait, your hot partner Jaymi?"

"Yeah, that Jaymi. But that's not the point. I have to get over something with Max that I never really had."

"Why do you talk in so many codes? I swear you're like a fortune cookie." Theo said running a hand through his hair.

"I mean we were never really together and I have to get over a relationship that never happened." He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Sweetie, you're amazing and any guy would be stupid to not want you okay? You're perfect. I mean if I wasn't related to you..." He said winking at me. I laughed and hit his chest.

"You are dirty." He smiled and grabbed my legs and placed them over his.

"So..." He started as he gave me a foot massage.

"Have you and Jaymi had office sex yet?"


idk about this anymore.


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