Chapter Ten

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"Kimmy! Table eight!" I heard Jerry shout from outside.

"I'm fixing an order. In a minute!" I screamed taking a tray of pizza outside.

I was cleaning up some kid’s puke when I heard someone yell.

"Yo! I believe I heard him say table eight!"

I rolled my eyes and stomped over to the table.

"What can I get you?" I grumbled without looking up at the customer.

"Holy shit! It's the rude coffee girl?" I heard a familiar Australian voice say.

"Oh, fuck me." I said as I looked up and saw Ashton grinning at me.

"You're welcome to Crystal."

"It's Kimberly. Now do you want to order or are you just here to be a pain in my ass."

"Didn't I already apologize? Why are you still being so bitchy?"

"Oh, I'm bitchy? Weren't you the one who just called a waitress over when she was clearly busy doing something else."

"Hey, I already apologized to you." He said impatiently.

"How are you such an ass and your friends are such good guys?"

"How are you such a terrible waitress and still have a job?"

I looked up and sighed deeply; saying a silent prayer and asking for the strength to ignore the powerful urge I had to stab him repeatedly with a fork.

"What. Do. You. Want. To. Eat?"

"A few slices of pizza would be nice."

"No shit; because we're not in a pizzeria."

"God, could you just get me four slices of cheese pizza."

"Coming right up assface." I said turning away from him.

"Hey do me a favour." I said to Jerry stepping behind the counter and sliding my notepad to Sam so he could get started.

"What's that?" He asked turning and smirking at me.

"You see that bundle of shit with the messy brown hair at table eight?" I asked pointing over to Ashton who had his headphones in his air and was furiously air drumming his life away.

"What about him?"

"If he comes in here; don't you ever send me to him. If you do, I'll pull every perfect brown strand of hair out if your head."

"What did he ever do to you?"

"He's an ass. Just, I'm gonna take my break now." I said walking through the kitchen and out the back door.

When I got outside my phone started ringing and I answered without checking to see who it was.

"What?" I groaned as I rubbed my forehead to rude myself of the headache that was now starting. This happened every time I talked to Ashton. It had only been three times but he managed to make me hate him even more.

He was so obnoxious and it was like he knew he was good looking and he just wanted to rub it in everyone's face.

"You don't seem too excited that I called." I heard Max say and I smiled.

"No, it's just a customer."

"Aww, how's my girl doing?"

"Your what?" I asked just to make sure I heard right.

"I asked how my girl was doing."

"I'm your girl?"

"Well, I don't kiss every fan I meet."

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