Chapter Fifteen

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I overslept, again.

I was so out of it I didn't even remember calling Dylan and telling him I didn't need a ride to work. I had to end up taking a cab because I hadn't saved enough for a car and I didn't see the use of having a car when I hardly even go out far enough to use it.

I mean, my apartment was smack in the middle of everything I needed.

I was cursing under my breath as I stopped at the front desk to pick up some papers for Jaymi. I always hated Mondays, or whatever day today was. It seemed these days that he just signed us up for all these last minute projects and we'd always ended up working late into the night. I was beginning to think he did it on purpose just so we'd be stuck in the office late together.

Together and alone.

I skilfully slid the stack of papers and balanced them in the crook of my hand while trying not to drop my bag or the two coffees I was holding.

When I turned my face slammed into a hard chest and we both fell to the ground.

"Fuck! You idiot! You got coffee all over my top!" I heard someone yell.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled trying to gather the papers that were scattered across the floor.

"Shit! You have eyes for a reason you know!" The person continued to yell as they stood. The voice sounded oddly familiar.

"I'm really sorry." I repeated staring at the black converse they were wearing.

"Yeah, well sorry doesn't necessarily un-stain my t-shirt now, does it?"

I allowed my eyes to travel up the long toned legs that seemed to fit really well in the dark blue skinny jeans to the Blink 182 stained t-shirt they had on. My eyes finally met theirs and my jaw dropped.




"Ashton?" I said and felt all the hate I had for him rush through my body.

He groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Of course it's a fucking fan." He muttered running a hand through his messy hair.

"Oh, I'm not a fan. I never was." I said quickly. He hadn't changed on single bit. He was every bit of the rude obnoxious jackass he was a year ago.

"So, how do you know me?"

"You don't remember me?" I asked shocked that he'd forget how close we were to ripping each other's throats out every single time we were in the same room.

"I don't remember girls I've slept with." He said looking over his shoulder. I picked up the papers and stood up.

"You owe me two coffees." I told him completely ignoring his previous statement.

"You owe a new top." He said folding his arms across his chest.

"Oh build a fucking bridge and get over it you amateur rock star." I grumbled turning around and heading to the elevator. I heard Ashton come up behind me.

"Wait, you seem familiar. You sure we haven't slept together?" He asked holding the elevator door so it won't close.

"Oh please, don't kid yourself. If I ever slept with you I'd pay someone to kill me." I said causing his mouth to drop open.

"Move your hand I'm late for work." I said impatiently.

He quickly dropped his hand and slowly backed away from the elevator. When the door closed I sighed deeply and tried my best to neaten my clothes with one hand.

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