~Chapter 13~

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 After Elsa left, I thought that I heard someone or something. I dismissed the thought because I was in a hurry. I ran to the secret entrance and pressed the snowflake in so that I could enter. “Password,” Rapunzel’s voice said.

“Snowflakes,” I replied and she let me in. For once, I was glad it was Rapunzel because I needed her advice. “Rapunzel, I need to ask you something,” I said sheepishly. “Sure, what is it?” she asked eagerly.

“There’s this girl that I want to take to the Winter Ball and I don’t know what to wear and what to do…help me?” I asked. Her eyes went all sparkly; she probably thought that I was talking about her. “Wear blue or white because it’s a winter themed Ball,” she replied. “Who are you talking about?” she asked me, trying to be casual.

“She’s wonderful; she’s beautiful, sweet, and compassionate and she’s just this amazing person and I think I like her very much,” I said.

“What’s her name?” Rapunzel whispered, barely able to contain her excitement.

“She’s your cousin, Elsa,” as soon as I said those words, Rapunzel gasped and her face fell. I felt bad instantly and I asked her what was wrong. “Nothing, Jack! You’ll never understand!” she yelled and ran way to her room.

I didn’t think that she would like me so much; I was so confused. After she left, Hiccup came in and laughed at me.

“Girl troubles?” he asked.

 “Yeah…” I groaned and went to my room where I thought about Elsa and her smile. “Goodnight, Elsa,” I whispered and fell asleep.


The next morning, I had a brilliant idea. I knew of a secret passage that would make her smile and I was happy at the thought. “I’ll tell her about me tomorrow,” I thought. I wanted to tell her the truth about me; I hated the fact that I had to lie to her all the time. I was going to tell her about my powers.

After training finished, in the evening, I got an ice-cream at the cafeteria and left for the Trainer’s Rooms. I made sure I was hidden from all cameras and prying eyes. Then I changed into a black tuxedo and made small, white snowflakes near the sleeves. I was ready.

By the time I finished changing, it was dark outside and people started arriving at the Great Hall. People were dressed brilliantly and they all looked great but I was searching for Elsa. I got momentarily distracted when I saw the decorations in the room.

There was a blue tinge to the room and there were snowflakes lining the wall. There was a giant statue of me in the corner of the room and I sighed when I saw that they got my nose wrong, they always got it wrong! But the other decorations were nice. There were some snowflake’s hanging from the ceiling and blue and white streamers on the wall. There were blue and white tulips at the tables and I felt happy.

But I was still looking for Elsa…where was she? Was she ashamed of me? Did she hate me? Did she find another date to take at the Winter Ball? My heart felt heavy as doubt crossed my mind…But it was all wiped away as soon as I saw her walking down the stairs.

She was wearing a long blue, sleeveless, strapless dress and she had her hair out. I stared at her, in awe at her beauty. I was faintly aware of other people looking at us but I didn’t care. They were all jealous of her beauty. I realized that my mouth was hanging open but I didn’t care, I couldn’t do anything, I was just watching her walk down the stairs gracefully.

When she reached the end, I bowed and held out my hand. “Elsa, wow, you look….dazzling,” I breathed. She blushed and made my heart beat faster. I didn’t even realize that my heart could beat so fast! “Wow,” I sighed again. “You don’t look bad yourself,” she laughed and I smiled.

The music began and I led her to the dance-floor. “May I have this dance?” I asked, holding out my hand.  She took her delicate hands in mine and we started waltzing around the room. Her eyes never left mine and we danced and danced and danced. She was so graceful and didn’t even show any signs of pain or discomfort when I accidently stepped on her foot. Instead, she laughed and giggled at my clumsy footwork.

Then, the soft, gentle music started playing and we started swaying. She put her head on my shoulder and her arms around my neck. I rested my chin on her head and my arms around her waist. I spotted Aneira, giggling at us but I didn’t care; this was probably the best day of my life.


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