You might want to read this note actually.

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Ok so I've been noticing a lot of Divergent stories including jelsa. Might I remind everyone that this story is original? Can't people come up with their own ideas? Can't they think of something new? I spend a lot of time on these stories, it takes a whole lot of time. And then people just steal my ideas or copy them and change them around a little. 

Can you please not? =.= Thanks. 

Also, I'm discontinuing this story. I hate it because now thanks to those people, it's unoriginal. Thanks a lot everyone for reading. :D but I just wanted everyone to know that I'm extremely pissed now. 

To make matters worse, my other jelsa stories are being copied too. Wow. Just wow. My spy story is getting copied too and that just makes my head explode. CANT PEOPLE THINK OF SOMETHING THEMSELVES FOR ONCE???

This is the last stupid chapter of this story. I had great plans for this. Not anymore.

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