~Chapter 3~

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After a while, the train stopped on the top of a large white building and five other trains stopped next to ours. These trains were transfers from the other factions or new people who wanted to join the Glace faction, like me. Only I didn't want to join, I was forced to walk to my own demise.

Once the initiates had gotten off, a man in a blue hunting suit ((think about fours' training suit, only in blue)) came walking towards us. He looked like a kind, gentle man with a simple yet stern attitude. He was tall and healthy with hazel coloured eyes and blondish hair and he looked about...fifty? fifty-three maybe? “My name is Jason, I will be one of your trainers but you can call me Jay,” he called out.

We acknowledged and nodded and he continued. “Welcome to your home for the next twelve months. We have a few rules which we will explain once we get in. But first I'd like to ask: is there anyone that is not happy with the faction that they have chosen? Now is your last chance, the trains will leave and they wont be coming back until next year, when the next initiates come in. Now is your chance, step forward or stay,” he told us seriously.

Now was my chance. If I decided to leave, I could go home and live in peace again! But...Pitch would be suspicious that I left the Glace faction and would try and kill me....so I decided to stay and live for the remainder of my life in the hostile place that I would have to call “home.”

When no one stepped forward, he said, “Good. Follow me.” Then he jumped off the side of the building and everyone screamed. “Well, he's a goner,” Hans said, smirking. I really, really hated him for being so rude to someone who treated us with kindness when we arrived.

Suddenly, something flew up into the air and we gasped as we realized that it was Jay, our trainer. We were all really confused and I was just glad that he was alive. Just because I was a “Different” didn't mean that I wasn't human; I still cared for people. I was actually pretty normal-well except for the part where I had powers...that was the only exception.

Jay flew down and we noticed that he had a jet pack strapped to his back. “Right-o, wear your jet packs, they're in that storage compartment there,” he said, pointing at a black box. “Oh, one thing I forgot to tell you, our faction base is in the sky. Suspended by anti-gravity technology,” Jay grinned.

Everyone rushed to the jet pack box, eager to fly, everyone except me... I was just scared and I knew what fear could do to me. Fear caused me to release my powers and they would go out of control and that was the last thing I wanted: to be exposed and killed on the first day, although I was expecting that I would die in the next hour or something. After all, I was in a place where they trained people to become experienced hunters! I sighed and trudged to the box, dragging my feet behind them.

I strapped the jet pack on and soon, I was flying into the sky with the rest of the initiates and we gasped collectively. The building-well it could hardly be called a building, it was more like a palace with a large dome on it at the top- was absolutely beautiful. Words could not describe its stunning appearance.

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