~Chapter 31~

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I woke up Jack early in the morning, before the Sun had risen on the stupid 'Island' that we were on. The truth, as "Hiccup" has informed us, was that the island wasn't even really an island at all! Weird, right? That's what I was thinking, and was slightly skeptical too. To be completely honest, I couldn't wrap this around my head. I could accept that Jack was the Last Guardian but I never expected him to have a secret organisation or something! I thought he was alone; I just couldn't believe that in all the time he was alive and missing, he had made a secret organisation that rebelled against the President.

It was pretty impressive. Jack had told me all about The Resistance, his secret team of incredible people who gathered intelligence about Pitch and made informed decisions about what their next move would be to destroy him. They had been rebelling against him for years and I was only just finding out about this. And...Rapunzel was part of it too? The day had just kept getting weirder and weirder.

But to me, the biggest surprise of all was the fact that Aneira was part of it! That made me smile. To know that my best friend was going to try and help me out of this mess. Yeah, that made me really happy. I knew she was different from the others and with a sudden realisation; I remembered that she used to disappear to unknown places. "My suspicions about her seemed to come true; I guess I could probably make a brilliant spy," I thought to myself with a smile.

"What are you smiling about," Jack asked, in a teasing tone.

"Er, it's nothing, I was just thinking about the things that surprised me today," I replied. He nodded and held my hand as we walked through the dark forest. It was probably three or four a.m. in the morning and we had the cover of darkness to make our next move. Our feet crunched the leaves on the ground and snapped the twigs in our path and as much as we tried to stay hidden, the sound of our footsteps kind of blew our cover a little.

So where were we headed? Well, it was simple. The Resistance had somehow managed to find a blueprint of the 'Island' that we were on and I was pretty impressed by that. I thought that there were only a few people in The Resistance but I had been proven wrong and as it happened to turn out; there were more than a hundred different spies all over Panem. Some were even in The Capitol itself!

The fact of the matter was that the 'Island' wasn't really an Island after all...It was a maze! A giant maze with thousands of passageways that all lead into different directions. So, now I had a new hope and was actually beginning to see myself get out of The Hunger Games, alive, with Jack. But that wasn't all. I had made a promise to myself to join The Resistance and take down Pitch Black and return peace to Panem. My resolve had strengthened after the deaths of Katniss and Emily and Emma and I wasn't going to give it up. "Pitch will face the worse from me," I thought, as we moved like shadows, silently through the night.


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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