~Chapter 22~

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All I could see in front of me were the faces of the two young twins. Emma and Emily, they had called themselves. They were sweet girls…bright young faces, beautiful eyes. They looked barely fifteen; maybe they were sixteen, who knows?

I would never be able to talk to them again. I saw the light leave their eyes as the blood splattered their dresses. Emily was first and I saw Emma scream in horror. Her last words were “No!”

“Elsa!” Jake screamed, guiding me back to the present. I realized that I had been staring into space and that sent a wave of misery wash over me. How could I possibly ever feel the same again? I had just seen murder!

I was so scared; my mind was going into panic mode. I tried to keep a calm and cool look on my face but judging by the smirking faces of the gang, I wasn’t exactly pulling it off.

Jake’s face was a mask of utmost concern and worry. He hadn’t witnessed the horrendous things that I had just seen. He hadn’t just witnessed the death of two young girls. I tried communicating with him using facial expressions. I made my expression say “Run! Get out of here, they’ll kill you!” I wondered what I looked like with the gag in my mouth, preventing me from speaking. I probably looked constipated but that was the least of my worries.

Please, understand, get out, get out, get out, run, run, run, I begged him in my mind, hoping that he’d understand my silent appeal. Jake looked unfazed and my heart sank. The gang was going to kill him and I knew it. I had to do something, but what?

My hands were tied and I had a gag in my mouth. How could I possibly inflict any damage on anyone? I could see the wild look in the Gang Leaders’ eyes. He looked happy that he had just killed two innocent girls and that made my blood boil. I wanted to drive the knife, he had used to kill them, and drive it deep into his skin. I wanted to make him scream from immense, slow pain, like Emma and Emily.

That monster would pay for what he did! I was wondering what to do next when one of the other captives suddenly started to struggle and the Gang Leader turned his head to him.

“You, stop struggling or I’ll make your death painful!” He threatened. The captive was not intimidated by the Gang Leader and continued to throw a tantrum. It happened so fast that I didn’t see it coming. Jake deflected the sword pointed at his throat, kicked the Gang Leader straight in the gut, grabbed me by my shoulders, pulling me behind him. He stood in front of me, guarding me.

The Gang Leader wasted no time. He gave an order and the struggling captive was killed on the spot. The cannon went off and I reminded myself not to throw up. Jake averted his eyes as the blood splattered his clothes and he seemed to seethe with rage.

 “Why kill each other?” He asked.

“News flash, genius, this isn’t pretend. We’re not little kids playing a game! We’re a chess piece for the rich. They get their entertainment from us. We’re only giving them what they asked for,” The Gang Leader smiled.

I felt sick to the bone. This guy was a monster!

“There are a lot of people out there, please, don’t kill us…let us help you,” Jake tried to convince the Gang Leader. He seemed to consider this and I could see that he was pondering over the decision. His eyes flickered towards me and Jake as he talked to his other friends and, after what seemed like minutes of my life being stretched into hours, he came to a verdict.

“We’ve seen your agility and strength,” The Gang Leader said, referring to Jakes’ quick movements, “And we’ve decided to take you under our wing. You’re fast and strong and we need some people like you. I’m Erik and you are-?”

“I’m Jac- Jake! I’m Jake, this is Elsa,” he said. I became a bit suspicious. Why did Jake stutter on his own name? I waved it off, thinking that he was just nervous.

“Right, well, we need to move on. Kill the others,” he smirked as the cannons went off and the other captives lay dead. Erik dropped their bodies into the water and Jake turned my head so I didn’t have to see their lifeless limbs.

If he thought that he could stop me from feeling traumatized, he was wrong. That ship had already sailed.

That night, Jake and Erik set up camp while the others went out hunting. “I’ll keep first watch,” Erik volunteered but I knew Jake was sleeping with one eye open at night. I tried to get some shut eye but the screams of the victims haunted my nightmares.

Yes, I haven't been updating! I'm sorry >_< Sorry :c 

You know what? I got a competition for you guys. Whoever guesses why I haven't been updating, get's a follow back, dedication on the next three chapters and I'll review their book. How about that, huh? 

All you have to do is make up a creative excuse as to why I haven't been updating and leave the excuse in the comments. SIDE NOTE: Try to include Elijah Wood and me in it and It'll make me happier XD therefore, you have a better chance of winning :D #Elijah+Ella

But, do you guys love me? Two updates in two days wooooo! I feel accomplished :D Leave me a cookie or a chocolate in the comments below ^_^ 

Love y'all, Ice-creams <3 <3


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