~ ch.6 ~

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june 6th, 2019
- Tom -

I made absolutely sure to be in front while walking back to the beach. I tried to think of everything that could turn me off but I also couldn't stop thinking about Andy. I had to admit.. she was, without a doubt, hot.

"Tom? Everything okay?" Her voice seemed quiet. I mumbled an 'mhm' and tried once again to think about anything but her. "The water was super nice!" You looked nicer. Oh my— stop it, Tom.

   "Oh. Heh, okay."

   Andy continued to try and make conversation but I tried to steer clear of doing that. I just needed to .. relax .. then I'd be okay to talk to her again. When we got back to the beach she grabbed her bag immediately and retreated back into the jungle. "I'm going to change real quick. Um, stay over there, please." Her voice was awkward and small.

   "Yep." I was way ahead of her. "I gotta go to the bathroom, so I'll be over by those rocks." I did not have to go to the bathroom.

   "Oh, okay." She said before disappearing behind some trees. I quickly made my way to the giant rocks on the beach, making sure I was out of sight before unzipping my pants.

june 6th, 2019
- Andy -

   As soon as I was in fresh clothes I felt better. I wore another pair of jean shorts and a grey tank top. The sun was setting as I walked up to the shore and let the waves wash up against my feet. It was warm, almost like bathwater.

   My eyes found their way to the rocks, I saw Tom's head and turned back to the ocean. I felt so awkward when we were walking back from the lagoon, I tried to make a conversation but everything I said must have been the wrong thing because he ignored me the whole time. And thank GOD he didn't turn around at all, my hair soaked through most of my white shirt and I basically had my boobs on display the entire time. I had to cross my arms over my chest while we walked just in case he saw.

   It had gotten dark already, I sat by our fire and had some fish on a couple of sticks. I caught them this morning. Tom was taking forever, so long that I started to worry if he had gotten lost or if he had somehow left me behind.

   "Sorry I took so long, I got distracted." His voice came from behind me and I sighed with relief. He sat across from me and I handed him his fish on a stick. "Thanks." He smiled, he had a nice smile.

   "No problem." I smiled back.

june 6th, 2019
- Tom -

   Andy was sleeping in our small 'tent' while I was still sitting by the fire. She was curled up, wearing a new pair of shorts and a tank top— still no bra. I swear she had a bra on a couple days ago. I looked away from her, it felt wrong to think of her like that without her knowing.

   I missed Harrison. I would 100% be talking to him about Andy if he was here right now. I would probably ask him what to do about the whole thing with her and he'd probably say to just go talk to her.

   I did want to talk to Andy, I wanted to ask her about her life and get to know her more. I wanted to hear her laugh and see her smile— she had a nice smile. I sighed, my eyes slowly drifting back to her. She was gripping onto her arms tightly as her body was curled up in a ball, she was shivering.

june 7th, 2019
- Andy -

   The sun was bright and the waves sounded calm. I sat up and saw Tom standing in the ocean, waist deep. I could only assume he was in his underwear since I saw a small black object just along the shore, probably his clothes. Then, that's when I noticed. Laying on top of me was his red button up shirt.

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