~ ch.4 ~

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june 4th, 2019
- Tom -

Telling Andy that I was a famous actor didn't seem appealing. It wasn't important and it definitely wasn't going to help our situation so I decided to just not bother telling her. On the plus side, it was nice to not be thought of as a celebrity by Andy.

"How long have you been friends with Harrison?" She asked me. We were walking through the very edge of the jungle, I led the way while Andy was leaving a trail of sand so we could find our way back to the beach. She tied all her extra clothes together and filled it with sand to use as a some sort of bag. She was resourceful, that was for sure.

"So long. I can't imagine my life without him." I said it without thinking.

I heard Andy stifle a laugh, "Wow, when are you guys getting married?"

"Oh, shut up." I laughed at her joke and rolled my eyes. "Wait, do you hear that?" I stopped and she mirrored me. Very faintly, I could hear running water.

june 4th, 2019
- Andy -

The jungle was thick, wet, messy and hot.

Tom was taller than me so his legs took him faster while I struggled to hold up my make-shift sandbag. I made a trail like I had been doing and followed him as quickly as my small legs could carry me.

"Do you have a close friend at all?" He asked and I was reminded of Rosalind. When I left on the cruise ship, she had no clue where I was going or when I would be coming back which also meant she would probably never know what's happened to me until Tom and I were rescued.

"Yeah." I smiled at the thought of Ro. I missed her. "Her name is Rosalind. She's been with me for 10 years now."

   "Look!" Tom exclaimed and my eyes looked in his direction. He took off in a run and disappeared into the trees.

   "Wait!" I yelled and continued to pour sand as I followed him. I nearly tripped several times as the sandbag dragged me down but at least it was getting lighter the more I poured.

   I finally reached him and saw him knelt down next to a lagoon, gulping down water and splashing it all over his face. The lagoon was medium sized and there was a huge draping waterfall coming down from a cliffside, my eyes looked everywhere, I saw a river that the lagoon fed into also. I dropped my sandbag and almost jumped in. I did what Tom did: drink until I couldn't anymore. Water had never tasted so damn good.

 Water had never tasted so damn good

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   After resting around the lagoon, Tom found a pretty big stick that we could use a spear. All I had to do was tie my pocket knife to it then start fishing— things were looking up.

"Okay," I asked as I panted and sat against a nearby boulder, we were sitting next to the lagoon. "Shelter?" He nodded, "These trees look too thick and close together so I really doubt that we'll be able to find a clearing in here. I think the beach is our best bet."

Tom looked around, "Got it. We're also gonna need a fire. I'll start gathering wood, do you wanna figure out a way to bottle up the water so we don't have to come back here every time we need a drink?"

I nodded and Tom got to work. I started to look around, hoping to find just about anything that could hold the water for us.

"I'm going to take these back to the beach, are you gonna be okay here?" Tom called. I turned and my cheeks flustered. He had taken his shirt off and had it thrown over his shoulder. He was hot. "Hello?" He called again with a chuckle.

"Oh!" I shook my head, diverting my eyes away from his biceps, abs and chest. "We're not separating, huh?" I asked sarcastically.

He laughed, "It's only a 20 minute walk! Besides, you left the trail of sand too," He set down the lot of a wood he was holding and wiped his forehead with his shirt. "but, I'll stay with you if you want me to?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just go, I'll be fine." I laughed and went back to my search for a make-shift water bottle. I turned my back on him and I heard him pick up the logs the again. His footsteps slowly faded out and I was left alone, suddenly finding myself thinking about Tom with his shirt off. "Get yourself together, woman."

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