~ ch.2 ~

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june 3rd, 2019
- Andy -

   I was sitting in the sand, wincing every now and then as Tom cleaned the small cut on my eyebrow

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   I was sitting in the sand, wincing every now and then as Tom cleaned the small cut on my eyebrow. Luckily, I hadn't let go of my backpack during the whole chaotic mess after falling from the cruise ship. And even luckier for both of us, I had a first aid kit inside of it. Everything was wet but nothing was damaged.

   "Ow." I breathed in, instinctively moving my face away from Tom's hand.

   "Sorry." He muttered. He proceeded to clean the cut quickly and ended by putting a small bandaid on it. He closed the first aid kit and put it on top of my backpack.

   "You're not hurt anywhere, right? Are you okay?" I asked him after realizing that I haven't asked him once how he was doing since I woke up. He looked at me, and not a second later, his eyes diverted to something else. He merely nodded after gulping.

   He was probably in shock. I was too. Though, with all the movies I've seen and all the books I've read, the idea of being stuck on an deserted island was easier to swallow than I'd thought. For Tom, I couldn't say for him. He was now sitting a few yards away from me, staring out at the ocean while I unpacked everything out of my bag— I had a few extra clothes, a toothbrush, some toothpaste, a razor, deodorant and my journal. Honestly, it was a decent enough combination of things to have while stranded on an island.

I took out my journal, unclipping the pen and laying the small bundle of pages out on the sand. The pieces of paper were soaked and a lot of my drawings and journal entries were pretty smudged now but I didn't mind.

I looked back up to see Tom with his face buried in his hands. I sighed, struggling to my feet as I felt lightheaded from standing up. I trudged through the sand, plopping down sloppily next to him with a groan. "Remind me to not move so much after nearly drowning and hitting my head."

Tom cracked a smile, that's what I wanted. I tried to lighten things up, which was somewhat working, "Noted." His voice croaked. His eyes were red and he sniffled.

"You know, I have seen just about everything on Animal Planet, Travel Channel and even some episodes of Ancient Aliens." I told him, "Our chances of surviving here for the time being have to be heightened by at least 57%."

"I know what you're doing." He chuckled.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I played dumb, making him let out a small laugh. Things started to feel a tiny bit better. Of course, our situation sucked royally but at least the mood wasn't completely bleak. I hated tension and sadness— they made me uncomfortable. Even when I was uncomfortable, I made jokes to try and make myself feel better.

june 3rd, 2019
- Tom -

When I first met Andy I thought she was fun and happy. What I thought would happen was me asking for her number, maybe going on a date, I didn't think it would turn out this way. Not in a million years did I think that I would be stranded on a deserted island with a girl I had only just met the night before.

I don't know how we survived the ocean last night. I don't even know how I found her in the water in the midst of the mess. I just remember finding her body and holding on it as tight as I possibly could. My heart was pounding and it still feels like it's pounding. How did I end up here? I was supposed to be on a cruise with my bestmate, Harrison. Now I'm here? How?

stranded // tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now