~ ch. 27 ~

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January, 2020

imessage sent to Andy
I miss you. I hope you're okay. I will do anything to make this up to you. Anything.

February, 2020

imessage sent to Andy
Checking in. I saw your new pictures on instagram, you cut your hair. It looks beautiful on you. I miss you.

March, 2020

imessage sent to Andy
I saw you adopted two cats, how lovely. I miss you. lots of love.

April, 2020

text message sent to Andy
...I really miss you. I noticed that you blocked me on instagram and twitter, I apologize if I made you uncomfortable by checking in to see you. I understand that I shouldn't have done that. I hope you got an android and didn't block me.. xx Tom.

June, 2020

text message sent to Andy
Miss you. Hope you're well. Spent my birthday with my family, wished it was with you.. xx.

August, 2020

text message sent to Andy
it's been over a year now since we were stranded on that island and rescued. As traumatizing and scary as it was, I'm so grateful I got to know you and make you smile. xx.

November, 2020

text message sent to Andy
miss you.

December, 2020

imessage sent to Tom
Meet me at JFK airport in new york, I'll be at baggage claim if you're willing.

stranded // tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now