Untitled Part 18

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At 8:30AM, Oliva promptly came bouncing into my office with two cups of Starbucks in her hand. 

"Good morning, boss." She smiled, her pencil skirt was so tight it looked like it was going to rip as she sat across from me,  "I didn't know what you wanted so I just got a caramel macchiato."

"That's fine, thank you." I said sternly, the last thing I wanted to do was give the wrong impression, I've crossed the line before and  I love Jaida.

"Did you bring your resume?" I asked as I sipped the hot beverage.

"Mm..about that, I forgot, but ..." She stood up to close the door and pull down the blinds. "I thought we could work something out," She grinned and unbottoned her white long sleeve. 

"I don't know what you thought this was but-- I'm happily in a relationship, I just had a daughter. I'm just trying to keep my head down and focus on that." I explained.

She was Jaida's friend, the last thing I wanted to do was cause any issues.

"But don't you think I'm sexy?" She asked as she leaned on my desk next to me.

"C'mon Liv, I can't do this." I sighed in frustration.

"You're hard." She smirked, "You want me." She affirmed, reaching over and grabbing my belt. 

I put my hand over hers, "C'mon, please" 

"Please what?" She grinned, getting on her knees, and throwing my hand away.

Well... I tried.

I sighed as she put my dick in her mouth. Minutes later I was exploding in her mouth and regret washed over me. I knew I fucked up.  I gave it a few minutes and allowed her to put her shirt back on. 

"Hey, please don't tell Jaida about this." I sighed, " I just can't risk this, I love her and she'll leave me and-"

"Shhh," She leaned in and kissed me, "It's fine." She smiled.

"Thank you," I sighed in relief.

"For 10K." She put her hands on her hips.

"Pardon?" I laughed in shock.

"I want ten thousand dollars, and I won't say anything." She repeated.

"I have a daughter, I need to be putting my money --"

"Do you want your family or not?" She asked, irritated.

"Of course but I-"

"So i'll give you til about noon, seems fair, if the money isn't there, I'll be sending this video," She walked to her Starbucks cup  on the desk and pulled her phone out of it, "to your beloved Jaida."

"I'm sorry, Kelson. Gotta control them urges." She smiled and opened the door.


I woke up early to suprise Kelson, I feel like lately all we talk about is the baby and the last thing I wanted to do was let him get bored with me. 

I made him my special french toast because I know he doesn't eat much when he's working, except when I was there, of course. 

As I got up to his office floor, I was met with a familiar face.

"Hey Liv, what're you doing here?" I smiled as I stepped out of the elevator.

"Hey! I was actually just asking Kelson for some advice on how to reconnect with Stone, but I gotta run." She gave me a double cheek kiss before hopping into the elevator.

"I- okay, I guess we'll talk later." I tried to speak but became empty with words, mainly because she could have reached out to me. But I didn't want to feel paranoid or crazy. 

"Hey baby!" I beamed walking into Kelson's office.

"Jaida! Shit!!" He jumped hitting his knee on his desk.

"You alright?" I laughed, as I placed the container of food on the desk.

"Yeah, baby, of course. I'm just surprised." He said, clearing his throat.

I raised my eyebrow at him, "You sure?"

"Yes, it's all good. I just have a conference call in 10 so you gotta go." He said dryly.

"Why are you being so cold? I literally woke up extra early, called the nanny and -"

"Jaida! Can you pleease not do this right now? Not at my office. I know you're use to acting inappropriately here but, now is not the time. For once, be a fucking lady and excuse yourself." He barked at me.

My heart jumped in my chest, I couldn't tell if it was out of anger or pain, either way, I was hurt. 

I nodded, "Okay. No problem." Feeling the tears build in my eyes and the heaviness in my heart.

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