(1) Introduction

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Hii guys! I've had the start of this story for quite a while and I wanted to do something with it, so I'll post it as an advent calendar kinda thing.. I can't promise you it'll ever be finished, and it might have weird time skips and bad endings, but this is an already written story (mine, don't worry) that I've converted to this!

Please enjoy!

This is the story about how two teenagers met and became a part of each other's lives forever, you know, the basic stuff.

To get this story started:

Margot Robbie and Jared Leto are both seniors at the same school, and for a long time, these two didn't even know each other, but this is something that we'll get into later.

First, let me tell you a little about both of them.

Margot Elise Robbie is the only daughter of the Australian businessman Doug Robbie and his wife Sarie. She was born and raised in Queensland, Australia, before her parents decided to move to the US to focus on their daughter's education. She's an only child, and extremely spoiled, but still quite a good person. She lives with her parents, and even if they would be considered as strict, the reason behind it is their extreme love for their daughter, which is nothing like anything I've ever seen before.

Jared Joseph Leto is one of the two sons of Constance Leto. His father is out of the picture for many years ago. He has an older brother named Shannon. Both of them are considered as fuckboys, but they're both actually really good people. Jared lives with his mother and his brother. Constance is loving and very protective over both of her sons. Jared is considered the biggest fuckboy on the school both him and Margot go to (because his brother is suspended, and it's not the first time).

The other characters we meet from the beginning is:

Douglas "Doug" Robbie - Margot's father

Sarie Kessler - Margot's mother

Shannon Leto - Jared's brother, Constance's other son

Constance Leto - Jared and Shannon's mother

The rest of the characters will be introduced later in the story.

Now as you know a little bit about the characters and their backgrounds..

.. let's get into the story!

[COMPLETED] Another Jargot story (Christmas 2019) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora