Two-Bit x Johnny x Dally hc

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- Two-Bit likes to lean against them and whine when he wants attention

- Johnny couldn't be happier, he loves them to death

- Johnny likes being in the middle when they cuddle because he get squished and it's warm. He also gets lots of kisses uwu

- Keith and Dally stay up really late and watch TV or playing games while eating cereal from the box

- Johnny would randomly wake up and won't be able to go back to sleep. When he gets bored of looking at things in the room that look like demons he wants to wake one of them up but at the same time wants them to sleep
- but then one of them wakes up and stays up with Johnny until he's tired again.

- Johnny won't go by the stove if the burners are on because of the whole church fire incident.

- Dally likes to pick Johnny up because he's light and wants to show off his straight
- he can pick up Two-Bit but not bride style like he does with Johnny cuz that boy h e a v y

- Keith has some c h u b on him and Dally would like it when it's out and Keith hates that

- Keith likes to kiss Johnny everywhere and anywhere when he can because it makes Johnny giggle

- Johnny wants a tub big enough for all of them to fix

- Johnny's self conscious about his burns and hides them with long clothes but when it's hot af he'll refuse to take off the hot clothing.
"But you can have a heat stroke please-" "N O."
- They convince him to put a short sleeve shirt on but he still tried to cover his arms.

- Keith once had a really bad nightmare which woke Dally up. He was about to tell Keith to stop moving then he heard him crying and was confused so he turned the light on and  saw Keith curled up crying. He managed to wake him up before he woke up Johnny. It turns out he was dreaming about both of them dying.
- Dallas stayed up with him the rest of the night and did whatever he wanted.

- Dally's always trying to get in one(or both) of their pants
"we're in p u b l i c"

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