the gang and homework

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dose it immediately because Darry tells him to and also he doesn't want to forget about it if he doesn't do it right away

He'll do it but he always does it in school or in the class that he has to turn the homework in(he gets caughtt sometimes and the teacher would be like "wHy DiDnt YoU do iT aT homE")

Darry: he won't do homework as soon as he gets home, he'll wait a day unless it's due tomorrow then tell do it. He'll sometimes do it in school

He hates getting homework. He'll make up excuses on why he couldn't/didn't do it. But he'll do it

Will sometimes do it and turn it in on time but that rear

He wants to pass and go to the next grade so he tries to do all his work on time

Homework? Idk her. He won't do it unless they tell him to go to the library and do the work he hasn't done/finished

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