Curtis family

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Ms Curtis: let me see what you have

Soda: a knife!

Ms Curtis: No!

Darry: ow fuck!

Ponyboy: OOOOOH I'm telling! Mooooom!

Darry: NO-

Mr Curtis: now buckle down and do your work or you'll end up at McDonald's.

Soda: we going to McDonald's if I don't do my work?

Mr Curtis laughing: no

Ponyboy: i learned a new word today

Mr Curtis: what is it

Ponyboy: it starts with a T

Mr Curtis: just tell me

Ponyboy innocently: titties

Soda: I'm in my mom's car zroom zroom zroom

Ms Curtis: get out me car

Soda: aw
Ponyboy: ur mom gay

Darry: we have the same mom
Soda: people said I can't do what I love without collage

Darry: you can't

Soda: well I don't need a degree to be a clothing hanger

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