johnnyboy headcanons

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- These boys love to cuddle

- their always touching (not sexually you sinners)

- pony is almost always the little spoon, unless Johnny want to be the last spoon then pony would he happy to let him

- if they sleep in Ponys room(soda has to sleep on the couch because he 1. They're already in his and Ponys bee asleep or 2. He doesn't want to wake Johnny up and tell him to go to the couch.) They would try to get as close to each other as possible, like they're almost on top one another

- ponyboy would mumble "love you, goodnight" to Johnny before he fell asleep

- Johnny would say it back but he knows pony is knocked out and probably didn't hear him

- when pony has a nightmare Johnny would just hold/cuddle him as tightly (but not to hurt him) as he could and tell him it's okay and that he loves him

- when they wake up the next day Johnny won't mention to Ponyboy that he had a nightmare, unless pony ask him if he did

- Pony won't let Johnny go to his nightmare of a family. He tells him to come here(his house), Dally's/bucks, Two-Bits, and or maybe the lot.

- Johnny likes Cherry it's just that he doesn't like when him and Ponyboy (not reall ) a date and she sees them and thinks she can join. When that happens it's really just pony and Cherry talking to each other and Johnny's just walking behind them listening to them talk. It make him upset because ponyboy looks at her like he looks at him and he hates that. But he won't admit it.(oof this got a little sad)

- when cherry was interrupting their date and not realizing it. Pony noticed that Johnny looked sad and that he wasn't walking next to him anymore. Cherry leaves and Ponyboy instantly hugged Johnny and told him he's sorry. Johnny says it's okay (lie)

- when ponyboy reeds to him Johnny's laying his head on his chest, stomach or shoulder, or he's holding pony

- pony said "I love you" first

- Johnny is 10000000000x more happy when ponyboy says it

- when they first started dating, dally went up ponyboy and threatened him.

- "If I EVER find out that you hurt him in ANY WAY I could break every bone in your body and rip your teeth out, do I make myself clear!"

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