group chat 3

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Ponyboy: dallys a hoe

Dally: shut your ass up

Ponyboy: you mad cuz its true

Dally: i wont hesitate to slap you

Ponyboy: wow im so scared

Dally: bitch-

Sodapop: oh

Sodapop: darry wont like that

Sodapop: i also wont like that

Dally: well tell your kid brother to stop being a brat

Sodapop: ok

Sodapop: he said to tell you to stop being a hoe and respect women.

Dally: bet he wont say it to my face

Ponyboy: bet

Sodapop: no stop

Steve: well then.

Sodapop: steve help

Sodapop: i think their gonna fight

Steve: pfffff i wanna see this

Sodapop: steve noooooo

Steve: steve yessssss

Sodapop:  :(

Steve: no don't do that

Sodapop:  ;-;

Steve: soda

Sodapop: D:

Steve: jeez fine.

Sodapop : :D

Steve: you're adorable, god i love you

Sodapop: i love you too!

Two-bit: that's gay

Sodapop: your gay

Two-bit: no really???

Two-bit: pony and dally gonna fight! Oh shit man, whens dally gonna be here??

Sodapop: darry said if dally lays a finger on pony he'll beat his ass, and if pony say or dose anything to dally he'll make me go in my old room so he sleeps alone.

Dally: snitch

Sodapop: shut up

Two-bit: aw i wanted to see them fight

Steve: same

Two-bit: wheres johnny?

Ponyboy: oh yeah, i forgot hes sleeping in my room rn

Sodapop: our room*

Sodapop: and thats also why i didnt want y'all fighting, johnnys sleeping

Johnny: I've been up for a while now. I've been watching y'all text and its pretty funny. Also pony, i like how you "forgot" i was here

Dally: yeah pony what kind of friend you are to forget johnnys in your house

Ponyboy: uh correction boyfriend*

Ponyboy:  and stfu, two-bit didnt know where johnny was, why dont you mess with him

Dally: yeah no

Sodapop: oml

Sodapop: well good morning johnny

Johnny: good morning

Two-bit: johnny come out of the room and get your boyfriend.

Dally: better get to your boyfriend befor i do.

Sodapop: dally remeber what darry said? Dont touch him.

Two-bit: dose darry know how much he acts like a dad? Like we're his 5 kids and he has to watch all of us. It's pretty funny.

Ponyboy: dont you mean 6 cuz he also has to watch yoy like a child because you act like one.

Two-bit: explain

Ponyboy: you watch micky mouse

Two-bit: steve watches micky mouse

Steve: well yeah cuz two-bits watching it, so i just watch it with him

Ponyboy: still its 6 kids

Two-bit: but im 18

Ponyboy: so?

Two-bit: whatever

Johnny: im to comfterbel to move, pony can you come here please?

Ponyboy: ok, only because i love you.

Two-bit: should i text darry amd see what hes doing

Ponyboy: working?

Two-bit: sshhhh

{Two-bit and darry}

Two-bit: heeeeeeyyy hows life

Two-bit: darry

Two-bit: i know you see me texting you you hoe

Two-bit: d a r r y

Two-bit: dad

Two-bit: mom

Two-bit: daddy

Two-bit: wait no-

Two-bit: what if i was dying and you dont see my text

Two-bit: ...

Two-bit: dally hit pony

Darry: is pony okay?

Two-bit: Oh now you answer! I was lying

Darry: keith i had enough of your shit today so if you text me again and its not someting important istg. Now go mess with someone else if you're bored or im deleting and blocking your number.

Two-bit: wow love you too

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