Klaus Mikaelson (4)

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*This chapter is dedicated to my bestfriend(SummerGoldenRose ). I know that you're going through a bit of a rough patch right now and you know that I'm always going to be here for you. I wish I could take away some of the pain you're feeling but I can't. You're amazing! I love you so much and I'm so so proud of you!❤️

Death and loss are a main part of life,you knew that nobody lived forever (excluding vampires) lived forever and you knew that at some point,you were going to feel the ache and pain of losing someone you held so dearly to your heart

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Death and loss are a main part of life,you knew that nobody lived forever (excluding vampires) lived forever and you knew that at some point,you were going to feel the ache and pain of losing someone you held so dearly to your heart. You never though that you would have to deal with it at such a young age.

At 6 years old,your mother died while giving birth to your little sister. You didn't understand what was happening,your dad told you that she was just going away for a while but you didn't understand why he was crying so much.

By the time you were 12,your father had successfully drunk himself to death. You took it pretty hard and you did everything you could to be there for your little sister.After your fathers funeral,you and your sister were shipped off to live with your grandparents.
15 years old and having to go to yet another funeral,your grandfather had put up one hell of a fight but cancer eventually won.

Throughout high school,you were bullied and teased relentlessly. You didn't know why and no matter what you did,it wouldn't stop.

Age 16 and the only thing that had died was your confidence,self love and self worth. You were depressed but didn't want to admit it. You thought about running away and leaving everything behind but you knew that your family needed you. After school had ended,you didn't want to go straight home so you went for a walk to clear your head,maybe if you had gone straight home you wouldn't have been left all alone in the cruel world.

When you returned home,there were police officers waiting at the door "Excuse me miss,are you Y/N Collins? I'm sorry to tell you this but your grandmother and little sister had an accident,they didn't make it. I'm so sorry"

5 years later and here you were,sat on the beach watching the sunset with the one person that you were terrified to lose the most. You had promised yourself that no matter what happened,you wouldn't get attached to anybody again but then Klaus came along and ruined all of your plans.

Tiny grains of sand slipped through your fingers as you watched the sun slowly slip down behind the sea.  You turned your head to watch klaus draw the view, a small smile making its way on your face before quickly disappearing.

"What's wrong,love?" Klaus asked,noticing the change in you,you were quieter and more reserved. A state that klaus knew all too well.

"Today is the anniversary of my grandmother and my sisters death" you whispered as you listened to the sound of the waves rippling in the sea. "If I had just gone straight home after school,they wouldn't have come looking for me" You sighed and picked up a nearby stone,studying it so you could ignore the feeling of Klaus' eyes burning holes into the side of your head.

"It wasn't your fault,it was a terrible accident that couldn't have been prevented" he placed his hand on your back and rubbed small circles,it was an action that he did often but always made you feel calmer.

"Sometimes I just want to get away from it all"

"Then I will take you away from it all. We will go anywhere you want for as long as you want" he spoke softly,the circles stopping he placed his hand in yours.

"It doesn't matter where we go now,Nik. We are all left alone in the end,everybody leaves at some point and that is one of the scariest things to me" a tear slipped down your cheek but you whipped it away quickly before klaus could see,of course he already knew.

He placed his hand under your chin and turned your head to look at him,his eyes soft and his plump lips were slightly parted "I promise you,Love. You are never going to be alone again,I am never going to leave your side. You're practically stuck with me so you better get used too it"  you laughed slightly and leaned in to place your head on his,closing your eyes.

"I don't know what I'd do without you,Nik"

"You'll never have to find out either,You're stuck with me. Always and forever" he whispered.

 Always and forever" he whispered

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Day 14: Most shocking moment

Day 14: Most shocking moment

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