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"Michael, stop it."


Melissa laughed as she tried to stop Michael from knocking more things off of a shelf and she grabbed the grocery cart from him, also rescuing Katie and Parker, who were sitting in it, from tipping over sideways.

"You're no fun." Michael pouted, reaching over and grabbing about five boxes of cereal off of a nearby shelf ms throwing them into the cart with Parker and Katie.

Michael had the day off of work and had been sitting around and doing nothing all afternoon, so as soon as he picked up Parker from school he spontaneously decided that they absolutely needed to go grocery shopping right that very second. (He hated grocery shopping alone, and that's why he waited for Parker). He also made Melissa and Katie come with, just for fun.

"You can't just spin them around like that in the middle of the store." Melissa sighed, letting out another laugh.

"It was fun!" Parker spoke up from the back of the cart, holding both of his hands up in the air.

"See, Pac-Man thought it was fun." Michael says, making a face at Melissa. She just rolls her eyes and takes the cart away from Michael again, continuing to push it through the store.

"We need juice and milk," Michael said, directing Melissa towards the right aisle. "Then I have to see if they have any of those little sippy-cuppy thingys because I broke all of Parker's and I don't trust him with regular cups yet."

"How do you break more than one sippy cup?" Melissa asked, trying to hold back another laugh.

"He sat on them." Parker said, a big smile on his face. Katie was smiling as well, but Michael wasn't sure what she was smiling about. Probably the fact that Michael was an idiot.

"No, I only sat on one of them." Michael scoffed, rolling his eyes at Parker. "I ran the other two over with my car."

"Oh my God!" Melissa said loudly, her eyes widening. "How does that even happen?"

"It's totally Parker's fault." Michael said, trying to cover up how dumb he could be sometimes.

"Oh, I'm sure it was." Melissa chuckled, stopping in front of where they kept the milk. Michael grabbed a gallon and then handed it to Parker, who smiled like the gallon of milk was the greatest present in the world.

Michael shoved Melissa out of the way and took the cart from her again, then pushed it into the aisle where they kept the juice. Melissa quietly walked beside Michael, both of them trying to listen to what Parker and Katie were talking about with each other. It was something about puppies.

"Park, do you want apple or orange juice?" Michael asked once they reached the juice aisle, tearing Parker away from his intense conversation about puppies.

"I don't like orange juice, Daddy, it has those little things that get stuck in my teeth." Parker said, shaking his head and pointing to the apple juice.

"I don't have to get it with pulp." Michael shrugged, still trying to decided which type of juice he wanted more.

"Pulp?" Parker questioned, cocking his head to the side.

"That's what those little things are called." Michael explained, looking at Melissa out of the corner of his eye, only to see her laughing at him.

"I like apple juice a lot more, can we please get that?" Parker asked sweetly, still cuddling with the damn gallon of milk.

"Okay, buddy, that's cool too - " Michael stopped when something else caught his eye, and he let out an annoyingly loud scream. "Do you want cranberry juice?"

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