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Michael was woken up once again by his phone vibrating on his bedside table, and it took him a few minutes to roll over and finally look at it. Parker was asleep on top of him and Michael was half asleep as well, but he still squinted and opened his eyes just enough to read the new text messages.

Mel: wake up wake up wake up

Mel: michael please


Michael groaned and rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands, wondering what Melissa could possibly want at such an odd hour. Michael didn't even know what time it was, but from what he could see out of the window in his bedroom, it was pretty dark.

Michael: wtf why

Michael: it's the middle of the night mel why

Mel: bro it's like 6am

Michael had to hold back from laughing out loud as he read the text, using one hand to cover his mouth while he used the other to reply.

Michael: don't bro me why did you just wake me up

Mel: go look outside

Michael: wtf

Michael sighed and slowly pushed Parker off of him, careful not to wake him up, and slid out of bed. He made his was down the hall and over to the sliding glass door, walking out to the patio. From where Michael was sitting he had a perfect view of the sky, which was a really pretty orangey-pink color that Michael thought was actually really cool.

Michael: aw shit it's pretty

Mel: see

Michael: you woke me up for this

Mel: yeah

Mel: idk I thought you would enjoy it

Michael nodded to himself, he did enjoy it, but he probably enjoyed the fact that Melissa was thinking about him at six in the morning even more. He thought that it was cute that she randomly texted him and woke him up so they could virtually watch the sunrise together. He'd never really been one to watch the sun rise or set, but thinking back on it now he realized that it was actually really cool. Like, you were literally watching the sun rise before your eyes.

Michael: why are you awake

Mel: couldn't sleep

Michael: :(

Mel: yeah

Michael sat down on the ground and looked up at the sky, taking in all the different colors and cool shapes that the clouds seemed to be making while he thought of something to say back to Melissa to keep to conversation going.

Michael: I bet you'd sleep better if you were with me ;) right??

Mel: shut up

Michael laughed at himself, once again feeling a little stupid and embarrassed that he'd said something like that, but not as much as he had in the past. It'd been almost two weeks since Michael and Melissa had hung out at the park and since then they'd seemed to be a lot more comfortable with each other. Michael didn't feel so awkward when they saw each other in person and sometimes when he walked Melissa back to her car after they dropped the kids off at school he'd hold her hand.

He thought she liked it. He hoped she liked it.

Michael: the sky really does look pretty

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