Blood Of Olympus

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I just finished BoO (my friend got it for me yesterday as a suprise). It was beautiful, the ending was perfect, and I loved it so much. I won't give any spoilers but comment if you looooved the part with Octopus and the onager (I sure did). CANT WAIR FOR THE MAGNUS CHASE SERIES!

I am tempted to cry because it was so beautiful. (CHUCK IS SO CUTE!!! NILL!!!! CALEO!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL PERCEBETH AND JASON IS ACTUALLY TOLERATEABLE)

I tried to add a multimedia but oh whelp.

On a different note, now that I have finished BoO I can get to work on revising the first chapter of my new super special ultimate crossover: Mastermind

I'll notify y'all when it's up.

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