Those Ignorant Days

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I feel so embarrassed thinking back on the days:

When I barely knew any Greek mythology.

Someone had to patiently explain the difference between the four houses

I fell asleep reading Order of The Phoenix

Someone mentioned Gallafrey and I stared very blankly and stupidly at them

I fell asleep during musicals

I thought Percy Jackson was mindlessly dull

I fell asleep reading Sherlock Holmes

I fell asleep way too much

I thought Maze Runner was a rip-off of the Hunger Games

I agreed with my friend when she said TFIOS was a cheesy stupid romance

My favorite Fairytales were the cutesy Disney ones

I did not think of fairies as high-tech

I generally disliked superheroes

Yeah, I think I've changed for the better

Fangirling 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora