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Ryan P. O. V

"Ryan, can I have an ice cream? " Eva asked with most adorable puppy eyes ever but if I fall for them Mia is going to have my ass. I looked at Ethan for help but he is busy in staring at Kevin like he is some sort of candy or toy. Boy do I look like that when I watch Alec.

" Come on Ryan just one scoop" Eva asked with tears threatening to fall. Where is Mia when I need her? Oh yeah.. Alec asked me to look after kids while he and Mia had some quality time. Who am I, to say no?

"Fine, just one scoop" i said trying to be stern and gentle at the same time.

"yep. Just one scoop. I promise" why I don't believe her.

"Come on guys. Let's go and have some ice cream " I said clapping my hands to grab their attention. Ethan grabbed Kevin's hand while dragging him to follow him. We all made our way to invade kitchen. Kitchen is empty. So, we took out almost every flavour out of the freezer. Oh boy, that's a lot. We got our bowls out. Kids settled on kitchen counter in the middle of all ice creams. They are having absolute field day. I took strawberry flavor and started to dig in.

As we are in our own happy little world, I heard someone clearing their throat. I immediately stopped in my tracks thinking it was Mia but it's not I turned around to see it's someone else. Phew that was close. I turned to take a look at kids who are staring at me like deer caught in red lights. They're covered in ice cream. I heard laughing and turned to look that person is laughing at us.

"what have you guys done to yourselves? " she asked when she calmed down.

" please don't tell Mama" Eva asked the stranger.

"I won't. I promise" the stranger promised.

"Eva didn't Mama told you not to talk to strangers " Ethan said pushing Eva and Kevin behind him. Wow, this kid sure is Alpha.

"Oh I'm sorry. My name is Sasha. I'm omega. It's my shift in the kitchen today. " she said apologising immediately and bowed. She has blonde hair with olive skin and blue eyes. She is wearing white knee length dress. In simple words she is beautiful but not as beautiful as Alec. Don't tell him that he will probably kill me.

" It's okay. Ethan don't be rude. " I said nodding at Sasha.

"It's not Okay. I don't like her" Ethan said folding his hands onto his chest.

"Ethan.." Iam absolutely in disbelief. I never heard Ethan talking like this to strangers he has always been sweet little boy.

"It's alright. You don't have to like me now.Alpha, can I clean the kitchen now? " Sasha asked in sweet little voice.

" Sure. Come on kids let's wash up before you mom gets here" I said getting them down from kitchen counter. I took them to Bathroom to give them a bath.

"Ethan, why are you so mean to Sasha? " Kevin asked while washing himself. Ethan who is busy staring at him blushed when I looked at him. Yep, there is no doubt in my that he is my son.

"I. I. I don't know" he stuttered while his hanging his head low. I think he knew he was mean. Eva immediately hugged his brother.

"If Ethan said that he didn't like her then she is a bad person" Eva said as a matter of fact.

" Eva" I sighed. " just because Ethan doesn't like someone doesn't me that the person is a bad person" I tried to convince her.

" No, Ethan is always right. If he said he doesn't like her then she is a bad person. " she said with tears in her eyes.

" Fine. I will ask John to keep an eye on her. Okay? " I want to assure them even though it doesn't make sense.

They both immediately smiled and got back to whatever they were doing. Kevin is looking at Ethan in concern. Looks like Iam going to have a son-in- law.

After couple of hours later...

Now I know why kids aren't allowed so much sugar. These three are playing Non-stop jumping up and down.

'This is what happens if you don't listen to Mia' my wolf sounded furious. It was your plan too.. you thick head.

"Let's play tag" Ethan shouted on top of his lungs. I was about to stop them but stopped in tracks. They're home. Shit.

"guys stop. It's time to go bed. " I tried to stop them but they are busy in playing tag.

"what's going on here? Why aren't they in their beds" I heard a voice behind me. God.. I'm dead. I slowly turned around.

" Mia.. Are you alright? " I asked her in concern. She looks like she is just been out of a hospital with dark circles around her eyes. She looked weak but still beautiful.

"I'm fine. Now answer me. What's going on here? " she asked looking for kids who are hiding because of tag.

"They wanted to play tag." I said looking at Alec for help but he just gave me sad smile with pity. Man.. What did I got myself into.

"I know that you moron. Why are they playing when they're supposed to be sleeping" she said finally getting hold of kids who are looking now nervous as heck.

"Hi Mama." Eva and Ethan said in unison.

"Don't 'hi' me.why are you guys are not in your bed it's 11:00." I looked at her as realisation dawn to her when she took one look at them. Can she tell? I wonder.

"Did you guys had ice cream?" I don't have to wonder anymore. How can mom's know everything they're scary as I thought of my own. I miss her.

Mia turned towards me, glaring at me. Why does she look so scary?

" You have one job. But you failed to do that too. How can I trust you with kids when you're not even capable of looking after them? " I couldn't say a word. I feel like someone slapped me in the face. I just stood there and watched as she walked upstairs with kids. She is right. Isn't she? I'm not a good father nor a good mate. I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me turned towards it's owner .

"She didn't mean it. Trust me" He said in soft tone with assuring smile. I tried to smile back but I couldn't.

"She is right. Isn't she? " I said out loud this time.

"No.. Let's take a walk. Come on" he said walking towards front door, I followed him in silence He took me to near by lake and made us sat on a bench.

"Look I can't say why? and what? But trust me when I say this. She didn't mean it. Mia would never hurt you intentionally. She is just tired. Let me tell you by tomorrow she will feel more sorry and guilty. " he said laughing a little.

"But.. Do YOU think I can be a good father? " I want at least him to think I worth something. And my wolf agreed.

" It doesn't matter what I think. But if we didn't trust you, we wouldn't have left them with you in the first place. Mia wanted kids to spend some quality time with you" he still didn't answer my question.

"All I want to know is, do you think I worth something? " I asked looking at the lake which seemed so calm. I felt something on my cheek making me freeze.

" You are" he answered while walking backwards. I couldn't move. And he started walking towards house. I don't know what I was feeling. But I immediately broke into sobs and let out everything I had bottled up in past few years. I felt hands around me. I immediately hugged him.

"Shh. It's okay" I started crying more. How can he be kind after what I have done to him?

"I'm sorry" That's all came out while I stayed in his arms until god knows when.


Poor Ryan.

Mia come and say sorry to Ryan.

One more update. Yayy.

I hope you guys enjoyed it.

And thank you so much for not giving up on me you guys.

Love you all. Kisses and hugs.

Take care. And stay safe. Bless you.


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