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Alec P. O. V

"So? What now?" I asked the woman sitting beside me who is busy in watching kids with sipping coffee.

"What now? " she repeated my question.

"you know what I mean. You left but you are back. What's going through your mind?" I asked facing towards her.

" I don't know. " she sighed and placed her mug on coffee table. We are in living room. Eva and Ethan are on the floor painting.

"What do you mean you don't know? "  she looked tired.

"I mean I don't know. when I was about to board that plane, I suddenly remembered something " she said looking me in the eye. I stayed silent to let her continue and she did.

"You. I remembered you. I remembered the day that you told me about your story. After that I don't want to leave because I don't want Connor going through the same sh*t that you both are going through. I don't want Connor get hurt. At least I want to be there for him when he is hurt. I want to face the truth. And I want to be selfish for once in my life. I want Connor to love me like there is no tomorrow. I know I'm being selfish but I want what you have" she said smiling at me.

"What I have? Are you crazy?  Everything I have is yours too" I said glaring at her in confusion.

"Not that. I was talking about Ryan. I want someone love me like Ryan loves you and he looks at you"

"Mia" no doubt. My best friend has gone crazy.

" I know. I know.  I know you think Ryan doesn't love you but I can see the way he looks at you. And Iam not saying you should forgive him right way. You should make him beg but I think at some point you should forgive him. He's going to be good father and partner" she said hugging my arm and dropping her head on my shoulder.

"I think you need some rest cause talking like crazy" I mean Ryan and me come on.

"whatever. By the way what's going with Kevin and Ethan?" she asked grinning ear to ear making me chuckle.

"I don't know but Ethan pretty much confirmed that he wants Kevin to be his wife" I answered laughing out loud.

"Kevin is older. Don't you think the would be husband? " she asked raising her eyebrow and making cute face. She does that whenever she is thinking. I couldn't resist so I pinched her cheek. 

"ow" now she is glaring at me while rubbing her cheek.

" why did you that? " she asked ready to punch me.

" how can I resist when you were this cute? " I said pinching her again. 

"oh. It's so on" she yelled and grabbed a sofa pillow and started hitting me. I took another one and started hitting back but little more gentle cause I don't want to hurt her. 

I heard giggling and clapping. I turned my head to see Eva and Ethan are jumping up and down while clapping. 

"Come on Mama" both of them yelled in unison.

"Oh Mama's little angels. I'm coming for you" I started chasing them with pillow and Mia trying to protect them from me while fighting back. They both grabbed pillows and started helping their mother. They pushed me into the floor and started hitting me. Pillow Feathers are flying everywhere. The room is filled with our laughs and shoutings that we didn't notice somebody walked into the room.

As our fighting died I noticed someone is standing at the door. It's Ryan he has this saddest smile I have ever seen. Mia and kids are still trying to catch their breath.

"You finished patrolling? " I asked getting up from the floor and dusting myself.

"Yeah. " he answered. He still has that sad smile then It hit me. And it's still afternoon.

"Hi Ryan" Mia greeted pulling out some feathers from Eva's hair.

"Um Ryan. Mia and I have this important meeting this evening. So,  would you mind watching kids for us? " I asked trying to sound desperate.

"We do? " Mia asked in confusion and trying to check on her phone.

"yes we do" I snatched phone from her hands making her more confused.

"so,  would you mind? " I asked him again.

"Of course not" he answered smiling at kids who are trying to understand what's going on.

"Eva and Ethan please be good for Ryan. Alright? Mama and paa has this important meeting. So,  we need to run" I asked hoping they would agree.

" It's Okay Paa. You and Mama have some fun. We will be fine with daddy" Eva tried assure me making me wonder how I got this lucky to have them as mine.

"Alright let's go Mia" I said grabbing her hand after hugs and kisses to the kids.

" what was that? " Mia asked when we are finally in car and out of pack grounds.

"what was what? "

"you know what I mean" she said. No doubt tons of questions must be running through her smart brain. Well she does know we are free this evening. And we have decided to spend with kids and I have suddden change if mind.

" He looked really sad. So,  I thought may be he is feeling sad Because he and kids have not spend some alone time. " I answered honestly.

"So,  you thought it would be great idea to leave them with Ryan so that they can spend some quality time with Ryan. But that doesn't mean you should lie to the kids" she said glaring at me.

"I didn't know how to ask him to spend time with our kids" I was about to start rant but Mia cut me off.

"Awe... "

"What? " I asked her with annoyance lacing in my voice.

" 'Our' huh?" she questioned grinning like an idiot.

"huh? "

"You said 'Our kids'. Looks like someone is finally ready to accept " she answered teasing me.

"No, I'm not"

"yes you are "






"Haa gotcha " she yelled laughing like a lunatic.

"You're wrong I just wanted him to spend some time with the kids. That's it" I said glaring at her.

" Fine. So where are you taking to me? If you're taking me on a date, then it better be a beautiful place before you get into my pants" she said wriggling her eyebrows.

"We and we are not going on a date. Someone invited us to dinner" I said.


"Jaxon Bryant"

"Jaxon who? "

"Jaxon Bryant. He called me last night and asked us to join him for dinner. He is in the town for some business. " I answered. I can't help but feel little nervous.

"why do you sound Nervous? " she sure does know me well.

" I may be or may not be nervous that he is king to all supernatural beings" I heard Mia gasping.

"He's what? "



New character.

I don't know why but I think this Jaxon guy is going to bring us a surprise. ;)

Hope you guys enjoyed the update.

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