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Connor P.O.V

My wolf is so restless since past hour. And I have no idea why.

But I need to get some stuff from mall. So I took my car into the town. As I drive I saw someone walking towards the park.

I immediately slowed down the car.And parked the car near by parking lot and got out of the car started walking towards the park. I followed her scent saw her sitting on near by bench. Her scent has this weird smell mixed in it. But I felt rage when I realized why her scent is weird? There is a faint smell of blood mixed with her scent. I immediately started walking towards her while calming myself.

She looked up at me when I stood in front of her. I can see bruise on her cheek. And i growled which made her startle. She  looked at me in concern.

"Down boy"she said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry" I apologized sitting beside her but left some space between us even though I don't want to.

" name is Connor" i said extending my hand. she look at me and my extended hand.

"Mia" she said shaking my hand. I instantly felt sparks and I think she did too because she gasped and she immediately let go.

"I know. Mr. Robinson's  girlfriend.Right?"I asked trying not to sound too sad.

She sighed and answered "yes"

"And the bruise? If I may ask. She immediately covered her cheek with her hand but flinched.Guess it still hurts. But that bruise is still fresh though. There is faint smell of blood and ketchup?

"It's nothing and That's none of your business"she said staring into space.

Then realization hit me.

"He hit you.Didn't he? I'm going to kill him" I said standing up from the bench I was sitting.I'm so pissed off at him right now.Now I know why my wolf was restless he knew our mate got hurt.

"Don't you dare. "She said standing in front of me.

"But.. "she cut me off.

"It's nothing. It was my fault anyway. I shouldn't have done that. "she sounded really sad.

"what did you do? " I asked her trying to calm myself.

"I may or may not pulled a prank on him"And she said the whole story how kids begged her to pull a certain prank and she did. And the bruise was the result. I would have laughed If it wasn't for the fact that he hit my mate or a woman for the matter of fact.

"Can I at least kick his a**" I asked with hope. But what surprised me more is what she did next. She took both of my hands into hers.

"I'm fine Connor. He was just so mad and in pain. Or he would have never done that. And I'm glad he did that because I would have felt more guilt for causing him pain. " She said looking straight into my eyes. Her brown eyes are really mesmerizing.I started to lean in but she immediately pulled away clearing her throat.

"So, What do you do? " she asked sitting back on the bench and tapped the space beside her asking me to sit. I immediately obeyed.

"I'm in college. I'm freshman in BM. "I answered.

"you're a werewolf too. "she asked but it came out more of as a statement.

"you know about us." I asked in confusion

"Alec is a werewolf remember"she said in Duh tone which made  me smile but it immediately made me sad when I remember what Alec is to him.

"How did u two met? " I asked trying not to sound too sad.

"In a restaurant,The restaurant is owned by friend. So, when I went to meet her I met Alec who was working as waiter. He looked like he really needed help and moreover he needed a friend " she said smiling but I know she's not smiling at me but at the memories.

"So, it's all started with friendship. Huh? "I said cursing myself in my mind for not meeting her before he did.

"yeah. It would always starts with friendship.Isn't it? "she said looking at me with the expression I couldn't read.

"You're really a strange guy Connor"she said staring at me.

"Why?" that's all I could ask.

"You came out of no where.But I feel better after talking to you" she answered with a genuine smile on her face but what she doesn't know is.I feel much more better.

"I don't know what I did to make you feel better but I'm glad I did make u feel better" I wish I'm the one who always comforts her.

"You're a nice kid" she staring in distance. See there it is "a kid"

"I'm not a kid"i said groaning.

"Okay big guy"she said chuckling.

"I am" I said in serious tone but gentle.

"Okay I gotta go.. See you later" I walked her to her car and waved her goodbye. She took off immediately.

I sighed thinking it's going to be long way..

Alec P. O. V

It's already been six hours since we last saw Mia.

John said she in park and talking with Connor. Even though Connor is a werewolf I know he wouldn't hurt her cause She's his mate.

As  i was working on laptop I heard sound of car entering the premises and by the scent I can tell it's Mia.

After few minutes she came in and sat beside me with a sigh. After few minutes of silence..

"I'm sorry "we both said in unison and chuckled.

"I'm so sorry Mia"I said hugging her

"I'm sorry too. Let's forget about it. "she said hugging me back and rubbing my back in circles.

"Does your cheek hurt?" I asked letting her go and checking her cheek and lip.

"A little. You sure have lots of strength" she said chuckling. But stopped when she noticed I'm in pain.

"It's okay Alec. I forgive you"I nodded with sad smile.

"Alec can I ask you something? "She asked looking at me straight in the eye.

"Yes?" I answered but it came out more as a question.

"Do you think Connor is my Mate?"


So what do you think?

I know it's small update but please forgive me.

Love you all.

And you guys always makes my day.. 😊

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