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Alec P. O. V

I heard small come in when I knocked on the door. I entered and closed the door before locking it.

"what's wrong Mia? you locked yourself in room today. I haven't seen you all day today. Is everything alright?" I asked sitting next to her on bed.  She looked at me for a second and turned back to her laptop.

"Okay.. Something is definitely wrong. What's going on? " I asked closing her laptop after snatching it from her.

"Give me back my laptop before I kick your butt" she said glaring at me.

"Nope" I answered keeping it away from her  reach in case she tried something.

"Alec Robinson Give me back my laptop right now. "

Uh-oh looks like she is really mad at something. "Or someone" my wolf finished for me.

"Fine but not before you answer my question. Are you mad at someone? " I tried again. She huffed and crossed her arms on her chest while glaring at me.  But soon she gave up.

"Yes" she sighed. What's with all this sighing.

"who?  Me? " I asked carefully. What?  Have you ever seen Mia mad at someone? She would probably feed you to sharks. ' nope..  She would probably feed you to lions. She love lions'my wolf answered in monotone giving me chills. I sat next to her with cautious just in case.

"Not you,  Connor. He is acting pretty weird since we got here. I think something is bothering but he says it's nothing whenever I asked. Do you think he is already bored with me?" she asked looking at the ground.

" No way. It's me who must be bored" I said grinning.

"you better be careful tonight or I may kill you in your sleep" see? She is scary.

" yeah, yeah. Back to Connor, I don't think he is acting weird.. May be he is restless because he brought his mate to unknown territory. " I tired to think of the reasons.

" you think so? " is it me or Mia is being adorable with those huge puppy eyes right now.

"why are you so adorable?" I pinched her cheeks. Uh-oh.. You have to know something,  if you don't want to die a painful death never pinch Mia's cheeks. She hates it.

" Run" she said in low tone. She doesn't have to tell me twice.

I sprinted out of bedroom to save my life. And I can hear Mia's foot steps behind me. For a human Mia can be real fast. I don't know how far I ran but stopped in my tracks when I saw the image infront of me I tried to stop Mia to see it but..  it was too late.

Mia and I stared at the scene in front of us in disbelief and shock. I can't even process the image. I don't know why Jaxon and Connor are in heated make out session. And why Jaxon has his hands under Connor's shirt, why Connor hands are on Jaxon's butt pressing hard into him while grinding.

I looked at Mia who is in shock and looked back at me. Then just in a second her eyes expressed nothing but cold stare. She turned back and walked into house without a single word. And I followed her in silence. As soon as she entered our bedroom she broke into sobs falling onto ground.

I just watched her with tears in my eyes, not knowing what to do. I closed the door locking it. I took her into my arms and cried with her. I know the pain.

It's too familiar.

What have you done Connor?


What the heck Connor? I have never expected this from you. 

Sorry I know it's small but it has to be.

How is everything going?

Why is it so hot outside? :(

Take care everyone. I will try to update soon.

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