Chapter 15

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The Big Proposal

After Fadel and Datas came back, I left heading to my parents office. I arrived at the office and walked in. My parents said that is was fine, because I was their daughter. Just another advantage, i guess. My mom was sitting at her desk laying down asleep with some flyers for a welcome home ball stuck to her face, and my dad was laying on the couch asleep with some stuck to his face as well. I decided to come back later. I was walking out when I heard a voice. Raina's. She was walking down the hall with Miranda. I ran and hid behind one of the posts on the wall and listened.

"Miranda, nice job tricking that Eva girl into giving you lessons. She totally thinks you need them. This plan of mine will work perfectly, if you can get Ava to stay downstairs for the ball Friday. Only 2 more days until David and I have our first sexual intercourse." Raina said stopping right next to where I was hiding. I balled up my fist. "There is only one more thing that I need to get to make this full proof. But don't worry, David will be mine once again."

They both walked past me, without taking notice that I was even there. I sprinted towards my dorm, and ran inside. When I was inside i woke up Kris from a deep sleep that had her drooling all over her pillow. Ew.

"Ava? What's going on?" Kris said warily. I pulled her from her bed, and brought her outside into the hall. "Where are we going?" I pushed open the door to Danny and Adri's dorm room, and shoved Kris inside turning the lights on in the process.

"Girls! Wake up! I need your help with something!" I said, going around in a cirlce waking up Adri then Danny and back to Kris who had fallen to the ground trying to go back to sleep.

"Can't it wait until morning?" They all asked at the same time. I crossed my arms.

"It involes dress making for all of us." They all shot up in a minute and ran to me, eyes wide. "I knew that would work. Now. We have to go quick. And make sure no one sees the dresses we make before the ball." Everyone looked at me confused.

"A Ball?" They continued their simultanious talking. I nodded, turned, and walked out the door, almost running into Datas and Fadel walking down the hall. I turned to the girls, put my finger to my mouth, and shushed them.

"Oh hi girls. We thought you'd be asleep." Datas said coming up to us. Adri almost said something but Kris kicked her on her leg.

"I had to talk to the girls for a minute. I had a question." I said filling in. The girls nodded behind me, and said the 'normal' " uh huh" "yeah" "true" and "that's right".

"What was the question?" Fadel asked crossing his arms, obviously knowing we weren't telling the truth. I wracked my brain thinking up a good question to be asking them at midnight.

"It was a girl thing. She just got her period!" Danny blurted out. I slammed my hand to my face hard. Now they're grossed out, I thought.

"Oh. K." Datas said, his face turning pink, along with Fadel's. "Well since your up now, we'd like to ask Adri and Kris something. We heard about a ball that was going to happen Friday, and we wanted to know if- if you'd like to go with us?" Datas stuttered.

Adri and Kris both stared at the boys with a shocked but happy face on. I smiled widely. Danny and I both elbowed them in their sides and they snapped out of it nodding their head furiously. The boys smiled and hugged the girls. Danny and I joined in squeezing them tight.

"Now we just have to wait for David to ask Ava." Adri said breaking out of our group hug. I smiled, and then remembered that I needed to make the dresses. I pushed the boys out of the way dragging the girls down the hall, hearing the boys call our names. I let my grip of the girls fall, and I sprinted to the sewing room, the girls were right behind me.

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