Chapter 2

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Jay's Disapearence

Jay and I have been traveling companions since 11 years ago. We have been going from village to village, only stopping to eat or sleep. I've taught myself and Jay how to communicate through body language. It really comes in handy when he finds another village, or when there is danger around. Jay and I have been cooking and eating fish over a fire, if there isn't a village nearby, or if we run out of food. It has happened before and it can and/or will happen again.

It is starting to get dark and Jay and I had just finished eating apples and bread from the nearby village. Before heading to the village we gathered small branches to set up a fire, when we'd returned. We found a nice open space with a fallen tree for me to sit on, and enough room for Jay to lay down in. When i was little he was 4 times my size, but I've grown. He is twice my size now, and i am very proud. I can tell by his appearance that he would be about my age, 17, if he was human.

I stand up, off of the log, and move over to Jay by the fire. He is laying on his side, staring into the fire. He does this very often, i try not to mess with him. I lay down with him , with my head on his stomach, and close my eyes. I picture my parents, happy, before the war. Soon enough i hear the soft snore of a sleeping Jay.

I sit up slowly and carefully, opening my eyes. I stand and walk over to the bucket of water, Jay retrieved from an earlier stream passed, and I pour it over the fire. As i find my way back over to Jay, I stub my toe on a rock. I crouch down holding my toe. I decided to just sleep there for the night, since I couldn't see where I was walking. I soon fell asleep.

* * * *

As tired as i was, I still had to wake up in the morning. I am always slow when i first wake up, but I still get things done. I walked farther out to where we found the stream, and took a bath. I went back to where we set up camp, and I started to pack. I didn't realize, until after I had everything and was ready to go, that Jay wasn't there. I wasn't worried, I figured that he was using the bathroom or something like that. So i sat down on the log, got a branch, and started drawing in the dirt. I drew a flower with 5 petals. I added 8 small leaves in between each petal to make it look pretty. All of that took me about 40 minutes to do. It was then that I started to get worried.

I started to think, why would he leave? Where could a giant grizzly bear possibly go without a few screams here and there? The only place that would not happen is the woods. I looked around for a tall tree. It's not hard to find one. I chose one that i thought was the tallest, and start my ascend. I learned to climb from my father, he told me it would come in handy. As usual he was right. As i reach the top, I hear a noise, coming from the bottom of the tree.

I look down and i can almost make out the shape of a young man, about my age. I freeze, I was never prepared for this. I was just going to live out my days in the woods with Jay. We aren't that close to the village, and no one hikes out here, for a lot of reasons, Jay is one of the reason. I looked carefully at the man. He looked familiar. His eyes are dark blue. He had dark brown hair, and a piercing in both ears. He was wearing clothes like he hadn't washed in years. Oddly he still looked handsome. He didn't have any weapons, but he still looked like a good fighter, but I am a fast runner. I decided that i would come down, but if he tried to hurt me, then i would run like crazy. I started towards the ground, carefully testing each branch. As I neared the ground, he looked up staring at me smiling. I knew this was a crazy idea. Yet i still came down

When i reached the ground all he did was stare. I got ready to run, this guy seemed harmless yet mad out of his mind. I turned and ran towards the village, in case i needed help. I stopped running when I heard it. Someone called my name. I turned, surprised to see the man standing behind me. I couldn't move, no one has ever been able to run as fast as I can. Except Jay of course.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked Surprised and a little scared to be standing in front of this man.

"My name is David Keilser, I am of no harm to you. You may not recognize me without the claws and all of the fur." he chuckled. I stared at him like he was crazy, because what he was saying was making no sense. " It is me though, I can explain, just not right now. We have to get farther away from the village. It isn't safe." David said, as he looked around worried. Was I really going to believe him? I didn't know the guy. But I was always one to be gullible, and people took advantage of that.

"I don't know what you are talking about. And what makes you think I am going anywhere with you. I swear, when i find Jay, he is going to seriously do some damage! And what do you mean it's not safe? I have lived in the woods all of my life! I think I should know when it isn't safe. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to find Jay." I started walking back to where Jay and i set up camp.

"Wait Ava it's not safe. Please listen to me. It's me Jay." I ignored him and kept walking.  "You have to believe me! I need you to be safe. I promised your mother!" David yelled after me. It's what he said last that made me stop walking. I turned and Headed Straight towards him. I was going to get answers. Even if I had to use any force necessary.

"How do you know my name? And what do you know about my mother? Listen," I was furious by that point. "I want answers, and i want them now! And i'm not taking no for an answer, so you better start talking." I crossed my arms. "I can stand here all day" I urged. I sounded confident, but i was crying on the inside. I would do anything to learn more about my mother. Though i wasn't going to let him know that.

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