Chapter 18

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Operation TAB goes haywire

We all decided to call the plan 'Operation Turn Around with Benefits'. The reason is obvious. Datas and Fadel came up with it. Danny disapproved and Kris and Adri wanted something else. I honesty didn't care what it was called.

As I neared the bottom of the stairs, David came up a few steps and offered me his hand. I gladly took it, and looked to Adri and Kris, and tapped my nose three times. It was our signal to initiate the first part of Op. TAB. Adri and Kris gave the slightest of nods and went up the stairs to look down from the railings from top. Next we passed Danny, Fadel, and Datas. I did the same motion, but that time I only did it twice. They all turned inconspicuously, and left.

David led me to an empty table and pulled out my chair for me. I thanked him and sat down as he walked around the table and did the same.

"Ava. You look," David looked me up and down. I gave him a questioning side eye. "You look... There isn't even a word to describe what I'm thinking right now." I smiled. "I didn't know what you would have said if I'd asked you. I thought someone had already asked you before me, so I was kind of nervous. I didn't know if you had said yes to anyone else already or what." I laughed at his sudden burst of nerves coming from him. "I'm babbling aren't I?" I nodded. " Sorry. I'm just really excited that you said yes. To me."

"David of course I would have said yes to you. Your the only guy I know at this school. And I wasn't going to say yes to Datas or Fadel." I joked. He chuckled and looked down at his hands on the table. "Im glad to be here. I actually feel, as ironic as it sounds, like a real princess." I placed my hand on his conjoined and squeezed lightly. He looked at me and grinned.

"Good. I want you to get everything you deserve, because lest face it. You are a princess, with or without the crown." I tilted my head to the side and 'aw'ed him. He chuckled and scooted his chair closer to mine. And just when he was about to lean into a kiss, the storms approach.

"David! Hi!" Raina hollered from the opposite side of the room.

"Ignore her." David said. But I knew that wouldn't work. He kissed me anyway. It was short lived because Raina was right on us in a minute.

"David, you look so handsome! We match!" Raina said. David was wearing black. Black matches everything. I made sure to tell her that too. "Well I am wearing black, and he's wearing black so we match!" She said losing her temper a little.

"Raina not tonight. Please." David said sitting up straight. He knew that the time and place didn't matter to Raina. I looked over to the next floor on the railing. There stood Adri and Kris. They were looking at Raina, waiting for her to make a move. I sat back in my seat and winked at the girls telling them Raina was about to strike.

"David every night is the perfect night with you. Like tonight, it's so perfect because you're here. And I'm here, and we can love each other all night and dance and sing and do everything together." I stood up and went behind David wrapping my arms around his neck. I bent over and placed my chin on his shoulder.

"As you can see Raina, David is not interested in whatever you call yourself. And throwing yourself at him, isn't going to do anything because you know what? He loves me. And I love him, and guess what? That's all we need. So if you want to keep chasing after a man who is never going to chase you back, go ahead. But you should know that, if you don't stop going after people who don't love you, or even like you, in doing so you would waste the rest of your life having to be rejected left and right. And never finding someone who actually loves you for you and not for you ass." I finished. I was surprised at what had come out of my mouth. I guessed that I just found out what jealousy felt like.

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