Chapter 8

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The Feild Trip To School

The next morning we got up and started off towards the 'School'. David kept talking about what the courses were. How many we could take. And what he thought would suit me best. He also told me that my parents were not to be recognized as queen and king. No one knew what they looked like, just like no one knew what I looked like. He said that the king and queen knew the war was coming so they went into hiding. No one saw them since. I guess it made sense.

We travelled for 2 weeks, stopping to use the bush, or to eat and sleep. I didn't stop very often for the bush. I had lived in the woods with a bear -David slash Jay- and He taught me to control when I need to go. Every time there was a fallen tree, or a stream, David always either lifted me over it - I always laughed when he did that- or he helped me step on rocks to cross over while he helped me balance by standing in the river. He has weird ways of helping.

There were a few times where I had to stop to rest. He actually did live like a bear. Whenever there was a noise he couldn't identify, he would always crouch low to the ground on his hands and knees and listen until the noise was identified. It was always a squirrel or a bunny rabbit. Each time I laughed at him. The last time I stopped to rest, David groaned and pulled me over his shoulder and continued on. He was really impatient. I was hanging with my face to the ground when David finally put me down and said we were there.

The School looked nothing like a School. It looked more like a castle. I wasn't surprised. There was an actual moat, with actual alligators. The draw bridge was down, and people were walking back and forth across it. The gatehouse was armed with sharp edges to keep out enimies. There was at least 4 towers. One to each corner. I definately liked this place. I wished that I listened more when David told me about it. He had made it sound so boring.

When I looked over at him, he was smiling and basically jumping. He looked at me and took my hand. He pulled me towards the School. When we got to the draw bridge, he turned to me. Ready? He asked in my head. I hated when he talked in my head. I punched him in the arm and smiled. He flinched and pulled me inside.

"Welcome to the SFSC. The School For Special Creatures," He said throwing his arms out in the air, Almost hitting someone walking by. I laughed at him and pushed him foward. The inside was beautiful. There were tables everywhere with people at almost every one of them. I looked over and saw something, that wasn't human. It had scaley skin, and a snake mouth. I couldn't stop staring. finally David had said something to snap me out of it.

"Would you like for me to give you the formal tour or the-" He didn't finish his sentence. Someone had called his name. It was a girl. She was wearing a school uniform. i had realized that everyone had one on. The girls had a white shirt with a brown sweater on, with a brown skirt that goes down to you knees. The boys wore the same thing, except they had Jeans instead of a skirt. And they were wearing a brown bow tie. Eww, if they had any taste in clothes then maybe I would like this place a little better.

I looked down at my Blue shirt. I had forgotten that I tore off the bottom half so now it was just half of a shirt. I wore jean shorts that were easy to run in. I wasn't like other people that live in the woods. I keep my clothes clean and whole. Except for the part where my stomach is out. My hair was pulled back into a high pontytail at the back of my head. it fell past my shoulders, and down right above my butt. I was happy that I always do a morning work out every day or my stomach would not look good in this shirt. My shoes were sneakers. I had a change of socks in my backpack. and I also had some different shirts and pants. These were my only shorts.

The girl had come up to us and hugged David. it wasn't like a friendly hug, it was more like a I-want-to-see-you-later hug. David just stood there waiting for her to release. As did I. I decided that it might take a while, I looked around. Almost everyone was staring at me. It's not like I didn't expect that, I just didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing or both. I didn't care. I thought that I was fairly pretty, I wan't one of those girls who thought that her looks were more important than other things, but I still liked to look good.

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