Chapter 24

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We all had our weapons out in our hands, at the ready. No one's back was unwatched. The beast could have been in the woods with us, watching and waiting. When we reached the beginning of the village, I knew it wasn't true. The entire village was ablaze. Fire was spreading from house to house. No people were running because they were either in their homes with the fires, or dead on the street.

"Help us! Help! Please!" I heard from a house three doors down. Datas and Fadel had already made their way over to the home and started trying to get the people out. "No! The beast is out there. He will kill us all." The same person yelled. I didn't understand how they were safer in their houses that were on fire!

"Our homes are enchanted, no beast can come in without permission." A little girl yelled from the same house. It appeared that them, and a few more families, were the only family left alive in the village. Danny, Adri, and Kris had all started going from house to house collecting the remaining families. "Will we be safe with you princess?" I stared down at the little girl who had walked up to me. Looking around I relaxed seeing as how everyone else was saving people.

"How did you know?" I asked her. "Never mind that. I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone okay? It's really important." The little girl nodded. "And to answer your question, yes. I will do my very best to protect each and every one of you. May I ask your name, Dear?" Oh great. Now I sounded like my mother.

"Bella. My name is Bella." She said giving me a hug. I smiled and picked her up carrying her in my arms. She held the same name as the bunny in my bag. I walked back over to her parents, who were looking around frantically. I took off my bag and opened the zipper.

"Bella. Meet Bella, she's my best friend. Take care of her okay?" I said handing Bella the bunny. Her eyes lit up and she thanked me, promising to keep her safe.

"Bella! Who is this?" Bella's mother, I assumed. I put Bella to the ground and let her walk over to her parents. I fixed my bag back on my back.

"My name is Ava. I am going to do my very best to keep every who is left in the village safe." I promised. "I am going to take everyone to the next village to get cleaned and aided."

"Who said we would go anywhere with you?!" The father asked, pulling Bella and another child, a boy, closer to him. I was about to answer, when I heard a loud growl behind me. I slowly turned to see a shadow of the beast next to a house at the end of the street.

I grabbed my dagger, and pushed the family toward Danny and Kris who were moving everyone to a building that wasn't on fire. It was also the only one that wouldn't catch fire, since it was separated from the other homes. It had a fence surrounding it and a large yard. I gave a small smile. My home. I thought.

"Princess. I'm scared." Bella said. She had stayed behind me while her family went to my house. I turned to her, and knelt down.

"Bella. You need to go with your family right now. It is not safe right he-" I gasped when I saw the shadow above us. The beast had crept up on us. I flinched and sprung forward grabbing Bella in my arms and ran the my house with the beast running behind us. The beast was fast, but I was faster. Bella was clinging to my neck for dear life. She had enclosed the bunny in between us. Bella, the bunny was still, but I could tell she only stayed that way because she was scared. That's what bunnies did. They froze in fear.

Bella was screaming in my ear, and I was sure I would be deaf by the time I reached my house. When I finally made it, I jumped the fence and flew through the front door, that Kris was holding open. I landed on my back with Bella hanging on to my neck. Kris slammed the door behind us and leaned on it with her back. My breath was heavy. My heart was racing. But I knew that Bella would be traumatized for life. I sat up and leaned against the wall.

"Bella. We're safe now, please release me." I asked her. She slowly and shakily pulled back with tears in her eyes. I whipped away a few that had fallen down her face, and kissed her forehead. "We're safe now." I whispered to her.

"Bella!" Her father called to her, as he ran down the hall. Bella jumped up and ran to him. The rest of their family came out and engulfed her in a circle of hugs. "I cannot thank you enough." Her father had walked up to me. I nodded to him, and layed my head back on the wall. "You've been injured!" He said softly. I looked up at him and scrunched my eyebrows together. He pointed to my side, and I realized I had three cuts across my stomach and hip. I didn't even feel it. Then I realized my bag wasn't on my back. I jumped up, and looked around the room. No where.

"Kris!" I yelled. She came running into the room fear in her eyes. "My bag!" Her fear dropped and she looked annoyed.

"Ava, we can get you another one once we get everyone out of here." She started walking away. I ran to her and grabbed her arm.

"No. You don't understand. The necklace. My crown. They're in my bag. I need that necklace. I need that crown. I need it to get my answers. I need it to find the village. I need my bag!" I released her arm, and opened the door of the house, to see the wolf on the outside of the gate pacing back and forth. "He already has my scent. He just doesn't have me."

I walked out of my house and into the yard. The wolf couldn't enter. I stopped walking when he stared straight at me. "Help me. Please. I can't stop." It talked to me. I understood it. "I didn't want to kill those people. They were nice people. I used to be a house dog, then Mardigion turned me to be a beast to forever live in the forest. I am so sorry!" I walked forward. "No! I cannot control my actions. You will surely die." I opened the gate, and stepped out in front of the growling beast. I glanced down the street, and saw my bag near the middle of the place I stood and the house I had started my run from. I needed that bag.

"You will not kill me. I will help you. But not yet." I spoke to it. The beast growled at me and walked forward with teeth bared. It wasn't until he leaped at me, that I sprinted towards my bag. I needed that bag.

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