Chapter 12

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Flight Training

"OK ladies and gentleman, today we are going to be learning how to float." The teacher said. "My name is Mrs.Karsten." She said.

We're all standing in a line. Kris is standing to my right and Fadel is on my left. He's shifting from foot to foot nervously. For some reason.

"OK. Everyone close your eyes." She instructed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Take a deep breath and think about what you love most. Think about why you love it, and what it does to help you. Think about how it affects you." I take another breath and think.

I think about what I felt when I saw my parents. My heart racing. My thoughts running wild. And then the memory of David when we came home from the Mall. Then all that was on my mind was David.

I didn't know how I felt about David and him telling Rain that he loves her. Even if it was a really long time ago, it still bothers me.

"Great Job Ava! Now try to come down without falling. Think about something that makes you sad." Mrs.Karsten said. I opened my eyes and gasped.

I was floating above the ground, so high that I was higher than one of the tree that Karsten was standing next to.

I closed my eyes again, and I thought about how I felt when I had to leave that night. I remember running through the trees scared, hearing loud bangs behind me. Screams and leaves crunching under my feet. Every time I heard a bang I fell to the ground. I still have scars from the branches scratching my legs.

I open my eyes again, but I'm still floating, higher even. I thought back to what I did to start floating. First I was thinking about how happy I was when I saw my parents, and then David came to mind. And then I felt sad. I closed my eyes again.

So if I was sad when I floated, then if I'm happy I'll come down. I thought about my Dad and how he gave me 13 marshmallows in my hot chocolate, because he said 13 is when he can take me to the nearby village to go to the park. I thought about my mom and how she saved me from making a mistake on going out on a supposedly sunny day right before it started raining.

I felt my feet touch solid ground, and I opened my eyes and smiled. Everyone was staring at me in disbelief. My smile got smaller, but it didn't disappear.

"Class Dismissed. Nice Job today Ava, keep up the good work." Karsten said before I walked into the school building to my dorm room, to get ready for the next class.

I looked at my schedule while walking to my dorm room, and I read what I had next class. I had Tree Climbing. I was thankful for my parents teaching me how to do somersaults and swings on bars that were set up in the backyard. I see now, that they were setting me up for when I would need to climb a tree quickly.

I started reading the rest of my schedule trying to memorize it, when I bumped into someone. I looked up and stared right into those Hazel eyes, and melted. David. I thought his eyes were a different color before.

"Ava. I've been looking for you. Are you alright? No, never mind. Whenever I ask that question I always get yelled at." He chuckled. I looked down and side stepped him.

He grabbed my hand and turned me to him. I looked anywhere but his eyes. I couldn't do this anymore. Whenever I'm near him, I'm always getting hurt. Emotionally or Physically.

"I have to go or I'll be late for my next class." I had almost forgotten that he has the next class with me. I wrenched free of his grasp and ran to my dorm room to put on some jeans and my gloves, that were provided from the school.

I pulled my hair back in a high ponytail and put on my sneakers. As I was leaving I saw Kris walking down the hall to our dorm room. I didn't stop to talk. One- because I wasn't feeling up to it, and two- I was going to be late if I didn't hurry.

"Alright kids! I'm going to time you to see how fast it takes you to climb a tree so I can see what I need to work on you with." The teacher, who said his name was Mr.Antwon, said. "Line up!" He yelled. I got in line behind Datas, with Danny behind me, and David behind her.

"OK. Before you begin, I want you to look around and find something to get you started on climbing other than just walking up to the tree and grabbing a branch." Antwon said.

The line moved pretty quickly, since Mr.Antwon was using 3 trees. I was soon in the front of the line waiting for the whistle to blow.

I looked around the tree I was going to climb, to find something to boost me up a few branches. I looked to the side and saw a tree stump, just like the one in the woods I jumped on when David turned. I still don't understand how that happened.

I focused on that log, and when the whistle blew, I was off. I ran towards it and jumped on top of it, jumping up to grab a branch above me, rocking my body back and forth swinging up, catching another branch. I jumped up and grabbed a branch without checking it and I fell. I caught onto another one and made up for lost time.

I was soon at the top, looking down at Mr.Antwon writing something down on his clipboard. I climbed down and moved out of the way, so the next person could go.

"If you've done your climb then you are dismissed." Mr.Antwon yelled throwing his voice over his shoulder at the group of us just standing there. Datas and Danny had already finished their climb, and now David was climbing down.

I turned to and ran as fast as I could to the room. I twisted the door handle, but it wouldn't budge. It was locked. I fumbled in my pocket for the key, and I heard David call my name from down the hall. I stuck the key in the door and turned it. I stepped in, but when I tried to close the door David had stuck his foot in the way.

"Ava please." He said his voice soft. We had 15 minutes until next class, since the teacher let us out early. I'd given him 5.

"5 minutes." I said pulling the door open, and locking it behind him. I turned to him and he was staring at me.

"Please tell me what's wrong," was all he said. I went and sat down on my bed. He followed.

"You told her you loved her David. Yes, I know it was a long time ago," I said answering him before he had a chance to talk. "But It still hurts to know that you said that to her. Even if you were 6." I finished.

"Ava. Your right. It was a long time ago, I was 6," He said taking my hands. " And stupid to think that I could love anyone else." I stared at him. He smiled. Else?

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