Chapter 19

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Before we left, I took off all of my jewellery, and placed it into the bag. I also undid my hair and put it back up into a high ponytail. As I finishing taking my makeup off, I heard the closet passages opening on both sides. I watched as the boys came in with duffle bags. Just like the girls had at that same time. We all took a moment to sit down and take a breath before we went out. They took longer because this was their home. It's where they were raised, and now they had to leave it all behind to help me. I wasn't going to let them down. I had to find out if there really is a hidden city.

"We have to go, before anyone suspects that we're gone." I said softly. "No one left a note right?" I had to ask, just to be sure. Everyone shook their heads no. "Good. Follow me." I leaded them out into the hall to the next passage way, with all of our supplies. The next entrance was in a storage closet on the back wall. I gently pushed on the corner and watched as it opened up for us. We stepped through, through and made our way down to the kitchen. As we neared the way, I crouched low to the ground sitting on my skirt. "Only take canned food that can last long periods of time. And foods that taste good cold." I pushed open the door a crack and waited for them to get in and get out.

I knew that no one would be in the kitchen. Everyone had made their way down into the dinning hall. My parents told me that there is always cake at each ball they throw. So I also knew that the cooks would be down there to watch the people enjoying their foods. So we had a limited amount of time before they came back. I rushed everyone to hurry up and pack what they could, and right as I was closing the door, I heard the sliding kitchen door open, and chatter started between the chefs.

I threw my head into the direction that I was leading them out. They followed without saying so much as an 'OK'. We made the exit in record time, and I pulled my dirtied skirt to the side and held the door open while everyone walked out. Out into our new homes for a while.

* * * * * * * * *

"Ava. I'm tired." Danny complained. I ignored her and kept walking. I was headed to the place that David, or Jay, had told me about the school. I remembered the way because of the trees. I can tell where to go, by looking at the width of each tree.

"We have to get as far away from the school as we can before nightfall." I replied after a while. We'll rest when we get to the hill." After that they didn't say anything else.
I looked to the sky, and noticed that it was getting dark. I sighed and walked a little aways farther near a bigger tree ahead of us. "We'll stay here for the night. You don't want to go anywhere at night." I turned to them. "We'll sleep in this tree. It is strong enough ro hold us. Lean against the tree's trunk and if you broughta blanket then only put it on your lap. In the morning we will change out of our dresses and into something more comfortable. Boys, if you want to change you can, but your tuxes will last a lot longer than our dresses."

I stepped aside for them to climb up. I wanted to make sure that everyone got up safely. Once they had their own spot in the tree. I looked around me and sat down.
"Ava. Why arent you up here with us?" Fadel asked.

"Because I have to watch out for animals or people who may have followed." I asked. Silence. I leaned against the trunk, and felt something soft lie down on my lap. I looked down startled and saw a white and brown baby bunny. I turned every witch way looking for the mother, but found nothing. It was abandoned. I placed my hand on it and started petting it.

"Bella." I said. I smiled. I didn't know why but I felt like the bunny's name was Bella. When I said the name, she looked up at me and twitched her nose. I lied my head back once again, and closed my eyes. I took a breath and let it out through my nose. I hope that my 'friendship' with Bella wont go like David/Jay.

* * * * * * * * *

"Everyone up!" I called into the tree. It was early in the morning. The sun hadn't even risen fully yet. I wanted to start everyone on their morning workouts so that we would get in the habit of it, so during the days we could move faster. Hopefully they will increse their intensity faster than I had. "Get up!" I heard a scream come from above me, in the tree and looked up to see Kris dangling from the branch she had slept on.

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