Chapter 20

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        We walked along the river down to where it stopped and turned. I looked forward and saw the hill David had taken me down the day after I had woken up from being knocked out by that... thing. I looked back at all of my sweaty friends and then tightened my gear on my back, heading up the tall hill. I had a plan for when we reached the top.

"We'll stop when we reach the top of the hill." I called behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard rustling a little behind the group. "Shh." I shushed them. They all stopped, and the rustling was still going. I slowly put down my bag, and took out my dagger. My friends did the same, and took out their choice weapons. "Who, or what, is there?" I asked.

"Don't shoot! Don't stab! Don't do anything that will hurt me. Please." The all too familiar voice said, stepping out of the bushes. The grip on my dagger tightened. I put on a relaxed face. He couldn't know. He couldn't. No matter how bad I wanted to just go right out and ask him what all of that was with him and Raina. I knew he'd deny it, or come up with a lie. I didn't want to go through anything else.

"David! Oh my gosh. What are you doing here?" I asked. I knew what he was doing there. He was there to kill me, and take my crown. I put my dagger away, and walked to him giving him a hug. My friends stood behind him confused. I winked at them letting them know what I was doing without saying it out loud. They all nodded their heads. I pulled away.

"Ava. What are you doing out here?" He asked, cupping my face in his hands. I gave him a 'genuine' smile, and answered carefully. I made sure that he couldn't read any of our thoughts.

"We were all going out for a bit. Taking time off from school. We loved the ball, but after it was over, we felt like we needed more time before we could come back. So we packed a bag, and set off. Don't know where we are going, but we are just walking until we feel like turning back." I 'explained'. "I didn't want to ruin your fun, so I didn't say anything. I hope I didn't worry anyone."

"Of course you worried me! I didn't know where you were!" He said in a embarrassed whispered voice. I smiled and shook my head. "Now that I've found you, let's go back."

"Wait." I said, almost too quickly. "You go back. Tell my parents that I'm OK, and that I'll be back in 2 days. We need a little more time. I just really miss the woods, you know?" I covered. David nodded and kissed me before going back the way we had come. I quickly wiped my mouth, before turning to my friends. "We need to move faster. We are going to go a different way than what I had thought. It didn't take long for David to find us, so we are going to follow the river for sources, and trail away when we reach the other side of the hill. We need to get back to my house. My old house anyway." I told them. "The answers we need are all there."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and followed me as I went back to the river and walked along the edge. When there was a thin walking space, I would cling to a tree or branch for support of not falling in the river. Everyone followed my steps. It felt so weird. I've never had any followers before. I'd always been on my own. But now I have supporters. Supporters...

We didn't even make it to the hill, before sundown. We took camp on a small field on the side of the hill. The river was a few meters away, so we could still have the resources. I lied my back pack down on the ground and lied my head down on it, just as I heard a small squeak inside. I jumped startled but then remembered Bella in my bag. I opened it for her, and picked her up holding her in my lap.

"Ava. There's a rabbit on your lap..." Kris said, shocked. I looked at her and smiled. I nodded at Kris's expression, and put Bella on the ground so she could go to Kris sitting across from me. Bella quickly made her way to Kris, and Kris smiled. I didn't know if Bella was an ordinary rabbit, or if she was what David was. But I didn't want to know. Any kind of trust or affection from an animal that I could get, I'd take. As long as it didn't betray me.

"Her name is Bella." Everyone looked at me funny. "I don't know how I know, but I think I can somehow talk to animals in a way, that they tell me but I feel like I'm the one who is making decisions. Does that make any sense?" I looked to them, and they each gave me a warm smile and nodded simultaneously. I didn't understand it myself, but I knew that is how it felt. I tripped over my words, and decided it was best to not say anything else for the rest of the night. I needed sleep anyways. I hadn't gotten much since I'd found out that David was a traitor. And to his own king and queen. And 'his princess', as he once called me.

"Well. Bella is beautiful." Adri said. I agreed. Bella nudged Kris's hand then hopped back to my lap. I petted her head, and watched as she went to sleep. I layed on my side, and carefully put Bella next to my chest. She was warm, so it was easy to fall asleep with her. The minute my head hit my bag, I was out.

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