Chapter 26

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Kaden took the leftover families to the next village as I searched my house for what I needed. Since I was trying to find the secret village, I needed to find the porter. It was a small device that told me the direction that I needed to go, and what I was looking for. My mother told me that it was hidden in the house somewhere in the basement. She didn't remember where though. I was going to search he entire basement until I found the porter. I had until Kaden came back because that was when we were leaving to head to the village. If it existed. It had to exist, or my parents wouldn't have told me about it. They wouldn't lie to me, when they knew I didn't need that.

"Ava. What exactly are we looking for?" Fadel asked. I explained to him what the porter looked like, and what it would do if it was turned on. "So basically, find something that looks like an Ipad and turn it on to see if it protrudes a hologram?" I nodded. "Alright then." I chuckled slightly, as Fadel turned on his heel and lost his balance. Adri burst out into laughter, which made Danny and Kris start laughing too. Datas came down the stairs to see what was going on, and when Kris explained he started laughing too. " 'Ey! It happens to everyone!"

I shook my head, and continued searching in the boxes in my corner. I pushed away old containers, and appliances, to find a notebook. My parents notebook. They both used to write in a book every night up until the war. The book was huge, and filled with words from my parent's thoughts and feelings. They never let me read anything from it, or write anything in it because they didn't want me to know their secrets. I know that now.

I grabbed the notebook, and put it in my bag to read later on my travels. I went on looking for the device. It wasn't until I passed it, that it started beeping. My necklace started glowing and I was forcefully pulled towards the porter. When my necklace hurt my eyes, I knew I was right in front of the porter. The closed box in front of me was shaking violently, and my necklace burned my skin. I pulled it over my head, and dropped it to the ground. It was red, and hovering next to the box. "I think I found the porter." I opened the box and ruffled through the unknown until I found the porter. The screen was turned on and it showed a picture of me, my mother and my father. I was four years old. I didn't even know they took a picture.

"Aw. You look so adorable!" Danny squealed. I covered my left ear, seeing as she was on my left side. "Sorry." I waved her off and zoomed in the picture to my parents. They were smiling brightly and looked like nothing was wrong with the world. But of course everything is wrong with the world. No one has any idea.

"Wait. What is that?" Fadel asked. He zoomed in to the spot in between my parents heads, and made the picture clear. The eyes. The face. It was a man. He looked exactly like Jayson. "Mardigion." I nodded slowly. We knew what he looked like. If we saw him, we'd know. Kaden would know.

"Princess? Are you in there?" Kaden called from outside. I looked at my friends. Nothing. They still couldn't hear Kaden. I looked at the stairs and walked out with the Porter, and made my way to Kaden outside of the gate of my house.

"Yeah. All the villagers are safe?" I asked him, when I made it outside. Kaden nodded, and waited for my next question. "Bella is safe with Bella? And vice versa?" That earned a chuckle out of my friends who were standing behind me. Another nod from Kaden. "Good. And is your head feeling better?"

"Princess. I am flattered that you care for me, but I am only a pawn in this game. You are queen. You do not have to do me any favors for my protection to be yours." Kaden said, bowing his head to me. I walked out of the gate, and lifted up his head with both of my hands, looking directly into his light blue beautiful eyes.

"You are not a servant to me, or my friends. You deserve just as much respect as anyone else here." I told him kissing his nose. He responded by nudging me softly with his nose in my stomach, making me tumble a little bit. I smiled.

"Do we have what we need?" Faded asked behind me. I nodded not turning around. "Then we should really run." I turned to face him confused. He pointed down the gravel road and started walking out the gate. I looked to where he was pointing and saw my mother and father. And of course Jay. When I saw them they started their horse running.

"Everyone on my back quick." Kaden said. I repeated what he said to them and they all obliged. I was in front. When everyone was securely on Kaden's back, we hung on tightly as he sprinted into the woods. I looked behind us and saw the faces of those three people. My mother was terrified, my father determined, and Jay. Broken. Honestly it was never my fault for any of their feelings at that moment. They made decisions in their lives that lead up to those emotions. It was bound to come out one day. That day just happened to be today.

Kaden sprinted through the trees telling us to hold on every once in a while. I repeated all of his words to my friends and they all said 'okay' or 'got it'. "Princess. We are almost to my escape. I go here whenever I am released from the spell. Mardigion only released me after the killing spree was over. He always watched. Always." Kaden said sadly. Was he watching when I was there trying to save the people? He really is a sick bastard. "He was there when you saved me and the villagers. I could feel it. I felt how furious he was that you had ruined his plans. He left right after you stopped my massive headache." I leaned down and petted Kaden's head gently, where the pin was.

"I didn't save you Kaden. You saved me." I told him in my head so the others wouldn't hear. Kaden was quiet after that. He did save me. He saved all of us.

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