Error meets the 'dark' sans

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Cross's POV:

When Nightmare and Dream said that we'll be going to meet somebody new in Outertale, I did not expect to see another black bones skeleton with two children. But that's not what made me surprised. It was the scars. He had scars all over his body and yet didn't look one bit in pain. He just kept on watching the children run around Ink, Geno, and Fresh. Nightmare and Dream led us over to them.

"Hey, guys. Error, this is Nightmare, Horror, Dust, Killer, and Cross. Guys, this is Error and his children Sun and Ray." Dream introduced everyone.

"Hello!" The kids greeted in unison.

"Sup." Error said.

"Heya," I responded. The rest of the gang said variations of hellos. 

"Wow dude, I didn't know somebody could worse wounds then me. What happened?" Horror asked.

"Ah yeah... that. You see before that dork" He starts, as he points to Ink off to the side playing with the kids, "Had a potion that Geno, Fresh, and I are his older siblings he started a war with me. I was forced to destroy AU's since Fate didn't remind him that there's a limit. So I just had my mom, Daze, Ase, Prime, Switch, Nova, and Star."

"Wait.. those four know of the man who saves the chara equals... Ask him if he knows who!" X demanded as we all sat down next to him.

"Hey, there's a chara that only I and other chara equals can see and they noticed the name of the Chara equals you mentioned. And they were wondering if you knew who saved the Chara's and Swap! Frisk's with that support system AU." I asked Error.

"That was me. I didn't want most of them to know due to the war but now that it's over when I see Prime, Switch, Nova, or Star again I'm going to ask them to bring me there." Error explained. Well X is now staring in awe.

"Wait, why do you have to ask?" Dust questioned.

"So they don't attack right away or hug me... I know that most of the Chara equals are jumpy due to being blamed for the Genocide Routes and I have hapaphobia." Error said. X looks disappointed that she can't hug him.

"I'm surprised that I haven't found you earlier. Your aura is so negative that it only has a small bit of positivity." Nightmare mutters.

"What can I say? I'm good at hiding." Error smiled with a shrug. "After all, I've hidden from Ink countless times and there's only four, well now five, Chara equals that know I'm the one who helps them."

"I've heard of something called a schedule by my Chara when I didn't stop the resets. What does that mean?" Killer asked.

"Well, there can't be pure pacifist timelines. There must be a balance like everything else. So when I found out they didn't know how to strategically make a way to have then routes even out, I made a schedule and asked Prime to take it to everyone to use. Before the schedule, it was just pure Genocide and Netrual runs with some pacifist here and there." Error explained.

He all got to know each other a bit more then everyone headed back home. Strange, I saw Error and the Kid's head into the forest.

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