Outcode Siblings Bond

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Error's POV:

I had asked Mom and Daze to babysit my kids since Inky wanted all of us to bond. So he's in the living room setting something up while Geno, Fresh, and I are in my room. Geno is reading a book while Fresh is looking through stored away stuff. Oh, what am I doing? I'm tuning my guitar. I haven't played in a while and I'd thought I'd play for the kids as a surprise.

"I'm Done~!" Ink shouts bursting through the door. The action caused Fresh to fall down and for Geno and I to almost drop our items.

"Ink Bro that was un-rad." Fresh shouts from the closet.

"Fresh come out of the closet! And Error, I'm keeping this book." Geno states.

"That fine by me. I've already read it several times." I replied.

"I'm Gay yo!" Fresh shouts, bursting out of the door.

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" Geno yelled. I placed my guitar on my bed as I got up.

"Cmon let's go!" Ink drags us into the living room where he set up a blanket fort facing the tv.

"It looks exactly like the ones we all use to make..." I muttered in awe.

"You mean all besides Geno and Fresh?" Ink remarked, causing me and him to chuckle.

"Hey!" Geno shouted.

"G bro, you gotta admit, back then all we did was eat the snacks yo." Fresh pointed out.

"True..." Geno murmured.

Several hours later of Disney movies, we went through all the ones that Ink had.

"So what now?" Geno asked.

"Hmmm, aha! Wait here!" I said, getting up and running to my bedroom. I grabbed my guitar and raced back.

"So what you got E bro?" Fresh asked.

"Heh, anybody remembers this?" I asked, pulling out the guitar.

"I do! Wow, how long has it been since you placed?" Ink gasped.

"Many eons in front of you guys but I did play for my kids when they were toddlers," I answered, sitting down. I started to strum it and sing.

"Merrily we fall out of line, out of line.
I'd fall anywhere with you
I'm by your side.
Swinging in the rain
Humming melodies.
We're not going anywhere until we freeze. I'm not afraid anymore
I'm not afraid. Forever is a long time
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. Carefully we'll place for our destiny.
You came and you took this heart
And set it free.
Every word you write and sing is so warm to me
So warm to me.
I'm torn, I'm torn.
To be right where you are. I'm not afraid anymore.
I'm not afraid. Forever is a long time.
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side.
Tell me everyday
I get to wake up to that smile.
I wouldn't mind it at all.
I wouldn't mind it at all. You so know me.
Pinch me gently.
I can hardly breathe.
Forever is a long, long time.
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side.
Tell me, every day I get to wake up to that smile.
I wouldn't mind it at all
I wouldn't mind it at all"

When I finished, they clapped.

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