Fresh's Memories

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Fresh's POV:

After taking the potion everything faded away to a black. A minute later everything turned into a school. I saw a kid me, Geno, Error, and Ink.

"Bye Big bro! Bye, little bro!" Kid me and Geno waved are we went into the school.

"Bye boys! Be safe!" Error replied, then walked off with Ink to another area.

Following kid Geno and kid me into the school, I saw them head into a classroom.

"Hm? Ah, you two must be the new students. Please introduce yourselves." The teacher greeted.

"Hi! I'm Geno Outcode! I'm the younger twin out of us two!" Geno chirped.

"And I'm Fresh Outcode. I'm the older twin." Kid me said happily.

With a flicker of the lights, I was at the back of the school and saw Kid me, Kid Geno, and two bullies. From what it looks like I was defending Geno.

"Get out of the way punk!" One of the bullied growled.

"Not if you're going to hurt my brother!" Kid me replied.

"Hey, dude, why don't we just beat them both up?" The second bully suggested.

"You know what, your right! Lets!" The first bully said. I noticed Error walking up behind the bullies.

"OR!" Error started, scaring the bullies who turned to see Error holding Ink. "You both could leave my younger brothers alone with never bothering them again and I just might forget this happened?"

"Ha! What can you do?" The first bully asked. Oh if only those bullies knew what Error has done before the treaty. Anyways, I watched as Error gave the kid Ink to the kid me and Geno.

"Please hold on to Inky you two." Error asked, and his response was a nod from the kid me and Geno. Error turned around and got out his strings. So he's been able to always use them, huh.

I spectated as Error strung up the two bullies' souls and whispers something to them, I'm guessing to be threats. When the bullies nodded he released them and walked Kid me, Kid Geno, and Kid Ink somewhere.

Everything went black again and then into a birthday party with the entire family sans Dad.

"Happy birthday Fresh, Happy birthday to you." Everyone there sang to the kid me. I observed as the kid me blew out the candles.

"Hey, momma?" Kid me questioned.

"Yes, sweetie?" Mom asked.

"Where did Dad go? I haven't seen him all day." kid me replied.

"Dad is still alive but he won't be coming back. You boys are safe now from that man." Mom answered.

"Really!?" Kid me, Geno and Ink exclaimed happily. I guess Dad wasn't the nicest.

"Yup! We don't have to worry about him anymore." Error chirped.

Everything faded back into the black. Then I woke up.

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