Chapter Twelve

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Linwë pov

We have been in Lórien for about a week now, and I was starting to get restless, I cannot stay in one place for very long, which made my father mad when I was younger.

I was walking through a grove of trees wearing a sleeveless, white satin dress with a silver neckline. It wasn't my first choice of attire, but the maid that Galadriel assigned to help me insisted that I wear it.

Ever since my encounter with my Guardian in The Crossroads, I had this glow, almost like an aura. When I asked Lady Galadriel about it, she said it was the mark of someone who has been blessed by an angel.

The thing that troubled me the most was the fact that I was still alive. I am not complaining, but when I fell in the mines I should have died. I understand that my Guardian rescued me, but I have never heard tell of a Guardian in any stories or legends my father or Elladan and Elrohir, my twin brothers, have told me.

So, why, I asked myself, why do I have one?

I was deep in thought and I jumped when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked to see who the intruder was. Boromir! What was he doing here?

He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. "Linwë, I am sorry for destroying your locket,"

Oh, so now he apologizes!? "A little late for that I would think!" I snapped.

"If you would allow me to replace it-" he started.

"No, you cannot replace it, the locket was my mother's, it is irreplaceable, it was a family heirloom" I said mournfully. "I do not think it is in my possession anymore, I believe it was lost in the mines."

"Very well, My Lady," he said.

I looked at him curiously, he wanted something, that much I could tell.

He moved closer to me and I backed up, what does he want?

I turned to run but he stopped me.

"Why do you run from me, I have only had your best interests at heart,"

I stopped, what was that supposed to mean, is he, attracted towards me?

Boromir put his hands on my waist and drew me closer to him.

I tried to pull away, but his grip was firm. "Why do you waste your time with him? The elf," He snarled. "He is better than you and you know that, so why do you continue?"

"Thats not true!" I retorted. "Legolas loves me and he is my true mate!"

"Stop this, you could end your pain and his if you just let him go," After he said this he kissed me, I fought against him, but he held me close to his chest.

I kicked him and his grip loosened enough for me to break free. I turned and started for the cover of the trees, but someone stopped me.

I looked up and saw Legolas glaring down at me. "What were you doing?" He asked coldly.

"Boromir, he-" I started.

Anger flashed through his eyes.

"What did he do to you?"

"He tried to make peace with me, and he offered to get me a new necklace I refused and he kept pushing me further and, and he kissed me," the last part I said in a whisper, fearful of Legolas' response.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked gently.

"No, Legolas, I am sorry," I murmured.

"You have nothing to be sorry for mellamin, you did nothing to cause this," Legolas said soothingly.

He embraced me in a hug and whispered. "As for your necklace, here,"

He gently pulled away and took something out of his pocket. He held out my locket to me.

"Legolas, how did you-?" I asked incredulously.

"You gave it to me before we entered the mines, and I never returned it to you," he explained. "I had a jewel-crafter repair it."

"Hannon le, mellamin!" I exclaimed. (thank you, my love)

"It is nothing, I will do anything for your happiness," Legolas replied.

He kissed my forehead and caressed my cheek with his hand. "If you will excuse me I have something to attend to,"

He turned and briskly walked away. The coldness had returned to his tone, this was not going to end well.


Oh no, Gondor blood will be spilled, JK, maybe. So anyways....I have been thinking of making a Thorin Oakenshield fanfic, should I? Tell me in the comments!

Lord Elrond's Other Daughter- A Legolas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now