Chapter 20

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Linwë's POV

I awoke several hours to shouting down in the main hall. I sat up in confusion, the celebrations should have ended by this hour. I laid back down and rolled over. Instead of moving into Legolas I found myself in an empty bed. I pushed myself out of bed and stepped towards the door. I opened it cautiously then walked into the large corridor and followed the noise.

I entered the main hall and I saw Gandalf towering over Pippin, holding the Palantir in his hands. My eyes scanned the room and I spotted Legolas standing with Aragorn. I made my way over to them. Legolas pulled me into a brief embrace then he walked away with Aragorn, continuing their discussion. Any signs of the drunkenness he showed earlier were gone.

I watched as Gandalf led the two hobbits into another room. I followed them and walked to the corner of the room, unnoticed by the others. I listened to Gandalf advise Théoden that they must go to Gondor in their time of need.

"He will not risk the peoples of Middle-earth uniting under one banner. He will raze Minas Tirith to the ground before he sees a king return to the throne of Men!" Gandalf said gravely. "If the beacons of Minas Tirith are lit, then Rohan must prepare for war!"

"Tell me, why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours, what do we owe to Gondor?" Théoden countered.

Aragorn started to argue that he would go but Gandalf silenced him. "I will ride to Minas Tirith. I will not be alone,"

He gestured to Merry and Pippin and they exchanged frightened glances. I took a deep breath and stepped forward. "I will go as well,"

Aragorn and Legolas both started to protest.

"Linwë, you cannot go!"

"It will not be safe, you will be too close to Mordor-"

"Do not try to persuade me otherwise, I am going," I said, raising my head and staring into their eyes.

Aragorn lowered his gaze. "If you must,"

Legolas looked at me pleadingly, begging me not to leave again. I walked over to him. I put my hands on his shoulders and whispered into his ear. "Legolas, I have made my decision, you have to let me go,"

I pulled away from him and he looked at me sadly. "I don't want you to leave, Linwë,"

"I will be safe, Legolas, do not forget Gandalf will be traveling with us,"

He bowed his head in resignation and sighed. "Very well,"

Gandalf turned his head to look at me. "Be ready at dawn, Linwë,"

The next day I made my way to the stables, Legolas following me. We arrived to the stables shortly after Merry and Pippin did. I watched them as they said goodbye then I turned to Legolas. He pulled me into a hug and I put my head on his shoulder. I inhaled, breathing in his musky woodland scent.

"Linwë," Gandalf said. "We must leave now,"

I nodded and pulled away from Legolas, though not before he could give me a kiss.

"Gi mellon," Legolas whispered.

"Gi mellon, Legolas, na lû e-govaned vîn," I replied. (Until next we meet)

With one last glance at Legolas I mounted a horse and rode off with Gandalf and Pippin to Minas Tirith.

I think I'm going to end this soon, another 3-5 chapters. Sadly I will not be writing a sequel. I would but I don't really feel like continuing this story and I don't see what I could put in a sequel. I do have an idea for another lotr fanfic, so there will be more lotr fics and I currently have a batman fic, a Harry Potter fic and an original story, if you're interested in any of those! Thank you!

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