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Thinking back on that moment, I would not change a thing. I love my life now. I have my 2 beautiful children, my husband, and the rest of my family here to support me. Abigail and Elton are getting married in a week. When Elton asked Alec for Abbies hand, Alec was furious. Alas, seeing as Elton did save lives, he gave the approval. Draco, however, is not doing so well. The death of Belle has him depressed, but he is pulling through. Abigail confided in me that it would not last long, that today things would be different. She insist that he join us for our afternoon. So, currently, we are sitting in a mall in South Carolina called the Columbiana mall, in the food court, watching the giant carousel dance around. It's a rainy day here, so we are able to come out without doing much damage. Abigail pushed her tray of, what use to be, 10 California rolls. "I'm going to go get some goodies from the booth by the carousel. Come on you two." Me and Draco get up and follow her. Draco leans over and whispers "whatever she is doing is not gonna work" I whisper back "don't worry Dragon. It could not be that bad." Abigail comes beside us and grabs Dracos arm. "Come on slow poke." They walk up to the short line and Abigail jumps up and down. Draco awkwardly puts his hands in his pockets and rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. The line moves and we are 2nd. As soon as the girl at the counter gives them there things and they pay, they leave and she turns around and works on the cash register. We move up and Abigail nudges Draco. "Pick what you like Dragon. My treat." He shakes his head, his long black locks moving side to side, and looks up to look at the selections. Abigail gives a little "hmhm " and the girl turns her head around. "Hello what would you like?" She says while looking back at the register. Draco is still looking at the board when she turns completely around. "Ya I'm gonna get the ch-" he comes up short as he looks up. He and the girl lock eyes. "You're a-" she says. She leans over the counter. "You're a vampire too?" She ask. Draco smiles. "I am. What's your name?" She smiles. Perfect white teeth. "Jessamine. What are you called?" He smiles. "I'm Draco. But you can call me Dragon." Everything was good, in our small piece of forever.

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