eyes on fire🤘🏻

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Song: eyes on fire by blue foundation (it's in a twilight movie, I think the second one)

Alec pov

Pregnant? We just had sex. How is that possible. I'm going to be a dad. I don't know what to do. Did I hurt her? Will she keep my child? Hell the baby already has me wrapped around there finger and I'm not even sure if she is really pregnant. Holy shit. Does she want this? I want nothing more than a child to spoil. I love her, she's my mate, I want whatever makes her happy. All these thoughts are rushing through my head at once. I run up to her. "Baby, are you ok?" she looks up to me with tears in her eyes. "Is there a way to make sure?" I look to master Aro. "Do you think it's possible that if she is pregnant you could hear the babies thoughts?" he looks at me and smiles. "I don't know Alec. I can try. Do you mind miss Black?" She shakes her head. "Anything to make sure." he takes her hand and looks to be day dreaming. He looks at her and smiles. "It worked. I can hear the little ones thoughts. Although I'm quite confused. Dear Isabella, how long did it take for you to get sick after conception?" Bella looks at him. "A few days I think. Although I can't be too sure, me and Edward, we were, um, active, the night before." "Interesting. How long did it take before Renesmee was born?" "2 months" she replies. "However, Renesmee grew really fast." "Hmm. It seems that this little one made itself known just two hours after the activity. Dear Alec, you are relieved of all duties until the child is fully grown. You will travel to Forks and stay with the Cullens until the child is born and all is well. You guys may leave to prepare." I grab a crying Baby in my arms and walk with her to my room. When we reach it, I open the door and set her on the bed. I close the door then kneel in front of her. "Baby look at me." she looks at me. "It's whatever you choose. if you want to give up the child I will completely under-" "you think I'm giving up my child? This baby is apart of me and I don't care if you don't want the child or not. ITS MINE." her eyes start glowing again. I quickly grab her hands in mine. "Baby I was just saying because I thought you would want to. I can't wait to see our son." she stiffles a laugh. "What?"I say with my eyebrow raised. "Its just you said it's a boy. I know it's a girl, I can tell by the pain. Girls are known to kick a bit more than boys." I shake my head. "I'm telling you, it's a little Draco." she looks at me as if I lost it. "What?" I ask. "Draco? As in Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter?" its my turn to looked confused. "Draco who? Who's Harry Potter? I'm talking about the constellation." she shakes her head. "You're old." I open my mouth to protest but stop. I really am old. The Salem witch trials was a long time ago. I look at her. "Are you scared?" she pats my head. "Oh honey, it's not me who should be scared. You should be." "why is that?" "you have to deal with both of my grandfather's and my uncle's. More importantly my dad and the pack. Good luck."

Bella pov

"What do you mean you're coming home early?" "wow. You seem enthusiastic to hear that your wife and granddaughter are coming home." I say into the phone to Edward. Its hard being away from him, and I'm glad to be going back to him, I just wish it was under better circumstances. I'm happy for my granddaughter. I don't agree with the fact that her mate is someone who tried to kill my family, but if she is happy, so be it. "Something is wrong." "Have Carlisle set up his equipment. You will understand everything when the three of us get there. I love you." "wait 3? Bella whats-" I press the end button before he can finish. I hate this. I pray she's strong enough.

Baby pov:
I love this baby growing inside me. I feel like I have such an amazing connection with her. I have not told Alec yet, but I want to name her Abigail. Its a little wicked, I mean I thought of it because Abigail Williams in the crucible was considered a witch during the Salem witch trials. I also really like the name Abigail. I can already tell my stomach is getting bigger by the minute. Its like every hour is a month. If I'm not careful, we might not make it to Forks in time. While Alec is packing his clothes, after handing me one of his over coats, I put it on and start singing to my baby girl. Good morning, morning. Hello sunshine. Wake up, sleepy head. Why'd you move that bo-jingle clock so far away from the bed? Just one more minute. That's why we moved it. One more hug or two. Do you love waking up next to me as much as I love waking up next to you? You make the coffee. I'll make the bed. I'll fix your lunch and you fix mine. Tell me the truth do these old shoes look funny? Honey it's almost nine. Now you be careful gotta go I love you have a beautiful day. And kiss the happiest girl in the whole USA. Skippity do da thank you Lord for making him for me. And thank you for letting life turn out the way that I always thought it would be. There once was a time when I could not imagine how it would feel to say. I'm the happiest girl in the whole USA.
Alec comes up behind me and grabs my waist. "You have a beautiful voice." I blush. "Thank you." for no apparent reason I start crying. "Love what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" I shake my head. "No. I just really have to pee." he chuckles and I cry harder. I walk into the bathroom still crying and do my business. When I walk out Alec is ready to grab my hand. I take it and we walk to the throne room. By the time we get there, my feet feel huge and I ask Alec for a chair. Jane brings me one and helps me sit down, smiling at me the whole time. When I finally touch the seat, she bends down and hugs me. "I'm glad it's you giving me a little nephew." she whispers in my ear. Why does everyone think that my baby is a "Draco"? I smile at her again and look up to Aro Caius and Marcus. "We have set up a jet for you. It will get you to Forks in record time. I've noticed in the past 3 hours you have grown. We have loaded the jet with animal blood per request of your grandmother. You should arrive in forks in precisely 3 hours. Alec, you might want to use it for the journey, just in case." I look at Alec in confusion. Use what? I shrug it off as I let Alec pick me up and carry me. I stop him at the door. "Can Jane come too? I need a sister." Jane looks at the masters. "She may go, but she must return exactly 3 weeks after the baby is born, and no one is to know she is gone." I smile at them before I run to Aro. I grab him in a bone crushing hug. "Thank you so much." I let him go and run to Marcus, doing the same. As well as Caius. Caius hugs me back and I hear people gasp behind me and a growl. I run back to Alec before grabbing his and janes hand, and walking out of the door. We make it on the jet and I find myself knocking out instantly.

Time skip to Forks Washington.

I wake up to being picked up. I feel running and then I hear whispers. "Oh my god Baby! Is she okay? Did you kill her?" I hear my uncle Emmett say. "He did not kill her you idiot. He did screw up though. I would kill you if it were not for the fact that her dad will do it for me." I hear my grandpa say. "Why would he kill him? What did he do?" Emmett says. "It might be the fact that she is p-" I open my eyes and get out of Alecs arms. "Family meeting?" I ask.

We're all sitting in the living room. When I mean all of us, I mean pack included. "So. Um, me and Baby have news." Alec starts. "You guys are not getting married. Not until she is 1000 years old." my dad says. "Its a bit too late for that." my grandpa mumbles. "We uh, well, we um," I see he's having trouble so I speak up. "I'm pregnant." I've never really been one to beat around the Bush. "Oh and if you even think about saying that I should give my daughter ('son' I hear Alec mumble) up, you can jump in a fire, or I can get Jane to do it for me because I'm not changing my mind. I'll leave and never come back, and don't think I don't know when you want me gone, I can hear your thoughts." it's silent, for quite a while. Rose comes up to me and hugs me. "Family no matter what, remember?" she tells me. I nod my head. Grandma Esme is the next to hug me. "I can't wait" she says smiling. Jasper and Alice come up to me next. Alice hugs me. "I am so happy to have someone new to dress up." Jasper is next. "I still love you. Although, it'll take some time to get use to the spawns of Satan himself" he smiles and winks, gesturing to the twils. Everyone is smiling at me, all except my dad. "If you can really hear my thoughts, I need to talk to you, outside, alone." I hear my dad say. I nod my head and follow him. When we get outside he looks at me. He runs his hand through his hair and looks at me again. "Are you sure about this?" I nod my head. "I've never been more sure about anything else in my life." he hugs me. "If you're happy, I'll live with it." we walk back inside. "You guys get Baby upstairs. We need to check the progress of the fetus." Carlisle says. I get really angry at this. "Don't. Call. My. Baby. A. Fetus. Or. An. It." I say through gritted teeth. Alec comes up behind me and grabs my arms. "Lets go upstairs, babydoll." I turn around. "Jane? Aunt Rose?" they nod there head and follow me upstairs. I sit down on the chair and Carlisle walks in. "Alright. Lift your shirt above your stomach, I'm going to check the fet- Baby." he move my shirt up and I hear Rose gasp. Carlisle puts a warm gel on my stomach (it's warm because it's heated) and places a ultrasound thing on my stomach. He moves it around and gasps. I start panicking. "What? What's wrong? Is she hurt? Whats going on?" he looks at me, then points at the screen. He points to something. I see my baby. "Do you see that? That is the vaginal area." I laugh. "I told you she's a girl." Alec looks at the screen. "Wait? What is that." he says referring to something on the screen. Carlisle looks at him. "That happens to be. A boy. Congratulations Baby. You're having twins." I squeeze Alecs hand. "That's amazing." I say before everything goes black.

So I understand that everything is happening really really fast in this book, but there is a good reason. I can't tell you yet. But, how do you feel about her having a little Abigail and a little Draco? For the sake of everything, I'm going to refer to them as abbie and Dragon, which Will be the nicknames. Until next time, stay away from sex drugs and alcohol.

-jessica the slytherin🐍🐉

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