Authors note + preview

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So that was pushing onwards. It finally complete. It's a weird feeling. I have been working on this for over half a year and have written roughly 60 000 words give or take. And now it is done. And what a journey it has been. Going from zero on everything all the way to over 40 thousand reads, 1 thousand votes and over 50 followers. Bonkers! I also hope you liked the ending. That's probably the part that has changed the most as I wrote the book. It has gone through so many changes while I wrote the book. In several versions, multiple people were supposed to die, including Ochako. Luckily that didn't happen and you got this ending. And if you have any questions, go ahead

Of course this wasn't the only thing that has changed while writing. And as I mentioned before, I will release some alternative takes that I planned to do, but never did. And for the future beyond that, well. I have several ideas for other BNHA fics. Some of them I have even begun working on. I think the dadzawa fans will love one of them. While others are a bit darker. No sequels though, none that I have planned yet at least. Anyways here is a little preview to the next book. Some parts are slightly altered to preserve some secrets. Enjoy.

Izuku could do nothing else than stare at her dead body as blood leaked out of the hole in her skull. He knew he should be sad, but instead he felt empty. Like someone had taken out all of his emotions and pulled him out. "Young Midoriya" All Might weakly called out behind him. Now he started to feel something. Slowly he was filled with an emotion he had never felt to this extent. Anger. "I'm sorry." All Might said carefully. Izuku slowly turned around and looked at his former idol as frown started appearing on his face. "Sorry for what exactly?" He asked. "Crushing my dreams or killing her?" Izuku asked with venom in his voice "I'm sorry for not saving her" All Might replied. Izuku looked curiously at All Might for a while before his face twisted in fury and he snapped at the hero. "If you hadn't been so busy with your stupid fans and taking in all that undeserved praise, you would have noticed it in time!" Izuku yelled as tears were streaming down his face "You would see that the villain wasn't taken care off. You would have seen the gun. You could have... She wouldn't be-" Izuku continued as his voice hitched and fell on his knees, crying. Then he started chuckling, then slowly evolving into a maniacal laughter. "Wasn't it enough?!" Izuku shouted through the laughter. "To crush my dreams? Or did you have to kill her to just to show me how useless I am!?" Izuku asked as All Might looked on in shock as the teenager broke down in front of him. "You're no better that the rest! The entire system is rotten!" Izuku yelled as he slowly got up. "I'll destroy it all! I'll burn it all down and build something better!" He continued and slowly turned around. He then got quiet and turned his head around and looked at All Might with an insane smile. "I will kill you" he said in low and threatening voice before he started running away, laughing.

That was the preview. I think you can guess what this will be about. So, who do you think died? You will find out whenever the next book is out, which I don't know when will happen. You will just have to wait. Anyways, I want to thank everyone who has read this book for their support. To all of those who have taken time out of their day to read my book. To all of those who have voted on my chapters. To all of those who decided to follow me. And to everyone who left comments, which made my day. From the bottom of my heart to all of you, I say thank you. I truly hope that you have enjoyed this as much as I have, and I hope you all are having a wonderful day. Goodbye.

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