Some information

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I'm sorry if I'm making to many "update chapters" I don't like them myself, but in this case I think it's necessary. 

I'll be taking a break for at least a few weeks. There are several reasons. First of all, I haven't been able to begin on the next chapter, I have been completely stuck. I know what I am going to write and what will happen, just not how I should write it. (I guess this is what they call writers block) The second reason is that I have exams throughout the entirety of the next week, meaning I won't be able to do much besides practicing for it. I also think I will need a few weeks afterwards just to relax my mind.

As for the reason I'm telling you this, it's simple. I want to inform you is so that I can relax knowing that you know why there is a long break. If didn't, I would continuesly think about what you would be thinking in the meantime. Which would go against the point of having a break.

So, I hope you understand why I'm taking a break and why I'm telling you. I hope you're all having a wonderful day. Goodbye.

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