A battle of ideals

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"Where are we going Gran Torino?" Izuku asked as the two walked down the street. "If you keep fighting with me then you would get to used to it. You need to face different opponents so that you can adapt to different situations. That is especially important when it comes to you, unlike All Might and people who can just use sheer power" The old man said as they entered a taxi "So that's why are going on a patrol in Tokyo. There we are much more likely to meet villains and criminals" The taxi started driving towards the train station and the two sat silently.

The train was passing by Hosu city when Izuku started to get worried about Iida. 'He hasn't responded to my texts yet. Usually he responds within five minutes. What are you doing Iida?' Izuku thought to himself. He then noticed fire in the city. When he noticed that the train stopped as a hero suddenly flew into the train. Outside of the train was a winged nomu flying in the air. "Do what you can kid to save people, but don't do anything stupid!" Gran Torino shouted before shooting off after the nomu. Meanwhile Izuku started to head towards the fire so he could see what was happeneing. 

When Izuku arrived at his location he saw two more nomus attacking heros and civillians. A couple was about to be punched by a muscular nomu similar to that from the USJ. Before the creature could hit them Izuku had taken them far enough away to be safe. Before the couple could react he had already left so he could evacuate more citizens. When he came back to the fire he noticed that Endeavor had burnt the big nomu's head into crisp. Izuku was about to continue his job when he heard Manual shouting for Iida. He immediatly left the area so he could look for his friend.

'All the victims of Stain has been found in back alleys, meaning that if he is here he must be in some secluded area' Izuku thought to himself as he flew over the buildings looking for his friend. "What have you gotten yourself into now Iida?" He asked himslef. Then he heard voices and immediatly went over to the source of the voices. One of the voices was familiar and mad Izuku go even faster. He finally was over the alley where the conversation was held and he arrived not a moment to soon.

Just as Stain was about to kill Iida he heard something shoot past him from above and hit the ground. He looked up and could see the face of Izuku for a brief second before he was hit in the face with a metal pole. The hero killer hadn't time to recover and experienced a barrage of attacks from his front, pushing him backwards. He tried to stab forwards with one of his swords, but the attack was stopped with a metal rod. Izuku quikly went back to Iida, not wanting take any more risks with Stain.

"I have to say, I was impressed when I saw a quirkless kid win the sports. You must well know about the injustices of this society, you must know why the society must be purged" Stain told Izuku with much conviction. "It is true that society can be unjust at times. I learned early that no man is born equal. But purging away what you don't like is not the way of a hero! A hero should always strive to do whats right, save everyone they can reach and show the difference between whats wrong and whats right. I also believe that anyone can change, for better or worse. So if you believe that no one can change then you are no better than the ones you purge!" Izuku exclaimed. What Stain didn't notice was that while Izuku was talking he had managed to send out his location infromation to all his contacts. "You seem like someone worthy of the title of hero. But the only way to change people is by purging the scum of this society. So if you stand in the way of me, then I will have to take you to!" The hero killer shouted and charged at Izuku.

Izuku tried using his net, but the vigilante just cut it in two. Izuku then had to parry the strikes delievered by Stain. When the hero killer started to gain the upper hand Izuku threw a flashbang, giving him time to switch to his shields for a better defence. Stain recovered quikly and immediatly attacked Izuku once again. Eventually Izuku used two spikes at the edge of his shield to snap one of Stain's swords in two. One of the shards managed to cut Izuku's cheek without him noticing in the heat of battle. Stain however, noticed the small trickle of blood. He faked an attack an used the opening to lick the blood of Izukus cheek. Izuku's limbs locked up immediatly, making him unable to move.

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