Summer Camp

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"Goodbye Izuku. Have a good time at the summer camp" Hisashi said while waving goodbye. "Bye dad! Bye mom! See you in a week" Izuku said and walked towards UA ready for the summer camp.

When he arrived at the gates of UA he saw the rest of his classmates. "Hey Izuku. Looking forward to summer camp?" Ochako asked with excitement. Izuku suddenly realised how close Ochako's face was and started to blush and get flustered. "W-well I yes it w-will be great!" Izuku stuttered out. then Ochako realised how close their faces was and was reminded of what Aoyama told her during the exam. This turned her into a blushing mess as well and she quickly stepped away fro Izuku.

"So as I said, we will have a special guest joining us for the camp. He will also be joining our class when the summer vacation is over" Aizawa announced, making everyone look towards the new member of class 1-A. "Hello, I'm Hitoshi Shinso. I will do my best to become a hero and do not have any intentions of making friends" The purple haired teen introduced himself. "Reminds me of how Todoroki was before the sports festival" Izuku muttered quietly.

"I heard that class A had five people that failed the practical. Isn't class A supposed to be better than class B, but they still had more people that failed!" Monoma said in his crazy voice. Kendo quickly made him go quiet by giving a quick chop to his neck. "I apologize on his behalf. I hope you don't think we are all like him" She said. Izuku's expression soured when he remembered what Monoma had said in the cafeteria, but it quickly passed. "Don't worry. It's okay" he responded.

After that both of the classes got into their own busses and started driving towards the training camp. Izuku sat next to Shinso in an attempt to talk with him. "I said I'm not interested in making friends" Shinso said before Izuku could say anything. "Why? Everyone in the class is nice and would love to mae a new friend. Even Kacchan can make friends, he just has his own idea of friendship" Izuku asked.

"You don't get" Shinso responded, with his anger growing. "People only see me as a villain due to my quirk. People have always said I should become a villain and that I couldn't be a hero. It's better to not get involved. You don't understand anyways"

Izuku let out a small chuckle. "What's so funny?" shinso asked with an annoyed tone. "You really think I don't know where you have come from" Izuku responded "I went through ten years of hell before I got here. Once people found out I was quirkless I was thrown to the side like trash. It got even worse beacuse I still wanted to become a hero. So I can promise you that everyone in this class will accept you and see past your quirk and it's villainous nature. Even Kacchan has apologized for the years of bullying, but don't tell him that I said this"

Hitoshi was silent, having a new respect for Izuku, knowing that they both have been pushed down by society. "Fine. I'll give it a shot" he said. "Thats good to hear. You won't regrett it!" Izuku responded with a bright smile.

Izuku and Shinso didn't talk much for the rest of the tour. Mostly beacuse Shinso quickly fell asleep. So Izuku ended up talking with Iida and Ochako who sat close by. They eventually stopped so that they could have a break. Izuku noticed that class B's buss didn't stop with them and that there was no bathroom outside. So while the others stretched their leg and looked for a bathroom, he quietly picked some of his equipment.

When Izuku had picked up his equipment two members of the wild wild pussycats had appeared, Mandalay and Pixie-Bob. "Your lodge is by the foot of that mountain over there" Mandalay said, confirming Izuku's suspicions. "It's around 9:30 AM right now, so I would say around noon" By now the other classmates understood what was going on and headed towards the bus. "Those who doesn't arrive by that time won't get any lunch!" Mandalay announced. "Sorry kids" Aizawa said as Pixie-Bob blocked their way to the bus "Training camp has begun" he said and all the students was pushed off the cliff by a wave of earth and fell ino the forest.

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