Through hell and back

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Izuku was trapped with the villains for a week. Hell didn't even begin to describe what he went through. He would get two meager meals each day and 3 hours of sleep. Everything else was torture. Pulling out nails and teeths, brutal beatings, whipping, breaking bones, cuts, suffocation, waterboarding and electrocution. Whenever his body couldn't handel it anymore All for one's doctor would come and patch him up so they could continue. By the end of the second day he had lost his voice and during the third day he lost the track of time. Every time there was a small break in the torture Shigaraki would ask the same question "Will you join us now?" Izuku would always say no and when he lost his voice he would just shake his head. Shigaraki would always respond the same way "You just don't learn don't you?" He would say before continuing the endless torturing.

Sometime a week after being captured he was sitting in the cell they had provided him. He had just gotten one of his daily meals and the doctor had just patched him up, meaning he had 15 minutes or so before they started torturing him again. He then heard the faint sound of something happening up in the bar. 'Are they fighting again?' Izuku thought to himself and then ignored it.

Izuku tried to get some rest before he would go through a few more hours of torture he had between his second meal and his sleep. He was awakened when the metal door to his cell was slammed open. He quickly got up and started walking towards the torturing chamber. He learned quickly that resisting would only result in more pain. Izuku didn't notice who was standing in the door opening since his eyes hadn't ajusted to the bright light coming from the hallway. That's why he suddenly stumbled over the suprisingly small figure who stood in the doorframe.

Izuku didn't know who it could be since none of the villains he had met so far wass this short. His eyes started adjusting to the light and he could begin to see a short old man wearing a white and yellow hero costume. "Gran...Torino?" Izuku managed to ask with a weak and hoarse voice. "Yes kid, it's me. Come now, we need to get you to a hospital ASAP!" The old man said as he began escorting Izuku up the stairs. "What did they do to?" Gran Torino said to himself as they reached the bar where Izuku could see what had happened. One of the walls had been punched down and most of the furniture had been destroyed. There were nomu's lying all over the place.

While Izuku was being taken to a hospital another fight was happening in Kamino ward. A fight between All Might and All for one, a fight between good and evil. All Might had rushed over as soon as the nomu's appeared at the league of villains' hideout. The fight between All Might and his nemesis had remained evenly matched for a long time until All Might managed to deliver a blow. The blow had broken All for one's mask, but it hadn't ended the fight. The villain had gotten out of All might's grip and fired two air cannon shots towards the hero. All Might was forced to block both of the attacks so he could protect a civillian. This had pushed the hero to his limits and he had begun the process of turning to his true form.

"You are reaching you limit All Might" All for one taunted. "Although, I have to admitt that I thought your power would decline faster than this. Though I suppose it's only natural considering you haven't passed your power down yet" "I won't be defeated by the likes of you All for one!" All Might yelled and attacked the villain. "This seems familiar, but something is missing" All for one commented as he caught the incoming fist. "Oh, I know! Your guts flying around" All for one said with a sadistic glee. All Might released what the villain was about to do and retreated before he experienced the effeccts of shock inversion again.

"I think this game has gone on for long enough" All for one said as his arm started transforming into an amalgamation of metal and flesh. "Let me show you the ultimate combination of quirks!" The villain said and charged at All Might. All Might managed to stop the attack and even push the villain back, but it pushed him over the limit. When the smoke settled the camera's showed a frail and deflated blonde man where the symbol of peace had just stood. All Might's true form had been shown to everyone.

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