The battle tournaments

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All the students from the cavalry battle gathered around the podium so they could get the results. "IN FIRST PLACE WE HAVE TEAM MIDORIYA! IN SECOND PLACE, TEAM TODOROKI! IN THIRD PLACE TEAM BAKUGO AND IN FOURTH PLACE TEAM TETSUTETSU!" Present Mic announced in his loud obnoxious voice. "For the final event we will have a 1v1 battle tournament, and here is the first round of matches" Midnight said, and the student's attention was dragged toward a screen showing the matches.

Midoriya vs Kirishima

Shinso vs Ashido

Sero vs Todoroki

Iida vs Hatsume

Tokoyami vs Yaoyorozu

Kaminari vs Shiozaki

Aoyama vs Bakugo

Uraraka vs Tetsutetsu

"But first we will have a lunch break and after that recreational games for those who didn't make it through the previous events" Midnight said after people had gotten time to see who they would be fighting. They then headed towards the lunch hall so that they could get some food. Nothing much happened during lunch. Most of the girls used the time during the recreational games to chase after Mineta and Kaminari after they tricked them into usig cheerleader uniforms. Meanwhile the 16 people that made it into the final event used the free time to prepare themselves for the battles to come. Either trying to calm down their nerves, train or in Izuku's case, memorize the quirks and weaknesses of his potential opponents. Eventually the tome had come for the first battle.

"FROM CLASS 1-A OF THE HERO COURSE! THE QUIRKLESS KID WHO HAS GONE BEYOND ANY EXPECTATIONS, IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Present Mic shouted as Izuku entered the arena and walked up the stairs to the concrete platform in the middle. "AND IN THE OTHER END, ALSO FROM CLASS 1-A. HE IS HARD AND TOUGH, EIJIRO KIRISHIMA!" The loud commentator announced as Kirishima walked up on the other side of the platform ready for a fight. "If you go out of bounds, is restrained or knocked unconscious you loose" Midnight said and the two opponents got ready to fight "START!" She yelled and the two ran at eachother.

Izuku threw a flashbang, blinding his opponent. He then proceeded to shoot a tether and fly across the ground over to his opponent ready to strike him with his staff. Kirishima hardened his entire body, expecting an attack. He was struck by a staff in his abdomen, but wasn't hurt due to his quirk. 'So electricity doesn't affect him and my attacks are inefective. Guess I will have to wear him down' Izuku thought to himself as he dodged a fist heading for his face. For the next few minutes they kept on fighting, Izuku dodging and hit his opponents when possible and Kirishima trying to attack his. Menwhile Present Mic kept being excited over the fight and speculating how it would go.

Eventually Izuku got in a hit that made Kirishima flinch "Quirks are like muscles, aren't they? That means there is a limit to your hardening, I just need to find it!" Izuku shouted seeing that his strategy worked as well as changing to a much more aggressive fighting style. "MIDORIYA'S ATTACKS SEEMS TO HAVE HAD AN EFFECT! KIRISHIMA IS EXHAUSTED!" Present Mic announced in excitement. Kirishima on the other hand couldn't keep up with Izuku and the speed of his relentless attacks. he then felt his arm being grabbed before being flipped over and out of bounds. "Kirishima is out of bounds! Midoriya proceeds to the second round!" Midnight announced. "Are you okay? Did I go to far?" Izuku asked his defeated opponent with a concerned voice. "No not at all" Kirishima said and stood up "You have managed to best the majority of us and you still make sure we are all right. Thats so MANLY!" He stated and took his fist over his chest, where his heart was. Kirishima went to recovery girl afterwards to make sure he was alright while Izuku went to 1-A's booth to watch the rest of the matches.

Next match was Shinso vs Ashido. Ashido ran towards Shinso, using her acid to boost her speed. "You really are confident, aren't you?" Shinso said, calmly standing in place. "Of course I inte-" Mina tried to say, but was taken over by the brainwashing quirk. "Walk out of bounds" Shinso ordered and she immediately started her walk, and eventually reaching the white line and stepping over it. "Ashido is out of bounds! Shinso proceeds to the next round!" When Midnight said this Mina was released from the grasp of Shinso's quirk looking around confused before it dawned on her what had happened. When she came back to join her class she wasn't to happy.

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